
15 Results for "music"

  • maclovin

  • hacker, music producer, web engineer and satanist.
  • OLOGUNOWA Samuel

  • I am a tech enthusiast who loves creating both software and hardware solutions to existing problems. A passionate learner
  • KokoMichev

  • I live in Sofia Bulgaria. I'm twenty-one years old and very interested in graphic design, programming, and music.
  • Rez

  • Hi, name's Rez, a web developer, soon to be Linux Sysadmin and a Hardware Hacking Enthusiast trying to learn stuff.
  • Gina Collecchia

  • Audio-visual technologist. Max/MSP, C++, JavaScript, and Matlab often. Comics, music, and coffee the rest of the time.
  • bouscher

  • It is easy to make easy stuff complicated and it is complicated to make complicated stuff easy. - me
  • Evothings

  • Evothings is a mobile application enabler for the Internet of Things industry, helping developers and technologies in need to create and prototype mobile apps.