
9 Results for "music"

  • Ichaack

  • Interested in music, synthesis and sound.
  • Konrad

  • Multi-media space artist, party artisan and an architect.
  • stoffe00h

  • someone who is interested in audio electronics, and electronics in general. would be neat to be able to design my own stuff.
  • Jan Godde

  • I have studied Audio Engineering and Sound Design. I like handcraft, sensor usage and all of what electroacoustic music can be.
  • Ignacio

  • i like a lot of stuff. right now, intrested in coding and computer programming since Id like to make a robot in the near future
  • Will

  • An entrepreneur, a maker, a creative, a musician, an artist, an explorer, a husband, and a dad. Interested in all the things.
  • Ursa

  • Human being on planet earth loves modular synthesizers, computers & basically everything that runs on electricity and code