
70 Results for "music"

  • Leo Vu

  • My areas of research include additive manufacturing, robot arms/gantry systems and automotive control theory.
  • Liam Hughes

  • 45m/former Strip Club DJ (17yrs) currently: Freelance StageHand, Production Assistant, Grip, Audio Tech. Plays: Keyboards,Drums
  • stoffe00h

  • someone who is interested in audio electronics, and electronics in general. would be neat to be able to design my own stuff.
  • Gina Collecchia

  • Audio-visual technologist. Max/MSP, C++, JavaScript, and Matlab often. Comics, music, and coffee the rest of the time.
  • tomswift724

  • Jack of all trades, currently living on and rebuilding a sailboat, and persuing more hobbies than are probably good for me.
  • Juan Rios

  • Engineer, hacker and artist. I love the maker movement and want to improve the the way the world works with my creations