
554 Results for ""

  • Exhibition Position

  • Huaxing Intelligent Control UWBLOC positioning system adopts self-developed wireless pulse ranging technology to achieve precise positioning of exhibition hall personnel and exhibits. The positioning accuracy is better than 30 cm. By setting the base...
  • Breadboarded 80-LED Analogue Oscilloscope

  • A very old project. By using a single VU meter IC (LM3915?) and aanother IC that sequentially connects the columns of LEDs to ground (i.e.the time scale), the VU meter effectively "sweeps" across the waveform ina quick succession.
  • Switching AC Amplifier

  • This is my attempt at making a switching AC amplifier:I learned from this link:electriccircuits.yolasite.comThe is issue with this circuit is that the amplifier is not amplifying the input signal properly.Output transient:Too much power is lost during...
  • 20 years ago...

  • My first electronics project (20 years ago...) was a monitoring system for a photovoltaic test & research facility using a T100MD1616+ PLC programmable with TRiLOGI (Ladder + Basic) by Triangle Research.
  • AC/DC Bridges for measurement, Wheatstone bridge

  • When servicing metal cable lines, measuring bridges are most commonly used. However, other devices are also available for locating cable faults. Firstly, they provide high accuracy in a wide range of measured values. Secondly, their use makes it possible...
  • My opinion on a Hi-Link AC-DC module

  • Some manufacturers make low power AC-DC modules for small appliances, IoT devices and smart meters. MeanWell may come to mind (IRM-05-3.3), but one of the most cost-competitive modules is the Hi-Link HLK-PM03. Here I will have a closer look at how the...
  • How to maintain the AC servo motor control system?

  • For the maintenance of ACservo motor control systems, the following are some common precautions:(1) Clean the servo motor and controller regularly to ensure that their surfaces are clean and to prevent dust, oil and other impurities from entering the...
  • ZX-81 Restoration Video Modification

  • So while still waiting for HBSound's Prototyping sponsor, PCBWay,  to finish up and ship off the prototypes for that project.  I did have some time to work on the ZX81 Restoration.   I am still working through the best way to clean...
  • Yet another ZX-81 Restoration

  • Well here's another year :)  I've made this as a space to manage my thoughts on this Zx81.  To be honest there's probably better examples out there as to the correct way to do this. I would direct you to these places first. But if you're interested...
  • ZX-81 Progress / NTSC ULA Output

  • Continuing from my last post, I had some time waiting on parts to finish the analog prototype testing for HBSound so I set up the new scope and ... It lives: I like to think about the video output as the consciousness of these old home computers....