
34 Results for "retro arcade"

  • A raspberry pi based lego retro arcade

  • Hi, everyone. This is my first Hackaday project. A Raspberry pi based Lego arcade! This is what you will need.  A raspberry pi 2 3 or 4   a display like this very small HDMI  cableprint...
  • Retro Prototyping Board

  • PCB for prototyping retro computing and gaming projects.100 mils spacing up to 72 vias edge connector, 36x28 (1008) vias prototyping area.Available for download or order at oshpark
  • retro computing & lions

  • Ready Player One might be the peak of retro computing fever or at least the peak of attention to it.  FVWM was written in 1993. XTerm was written in 1984. NEdit was written in 1992. X11 began in 1984. So lions have manely used the same tools since...
  • Enjoying Some 68k Retro Fun with Rosco_m68k

  • With some extra "stay at home" time on my hands, I was looking around for a retro project to work on (and have some fun by learning something).  While I enjoy 8-bit CPUs and there are a lot of great 8-bit 6502 and Z-80 (and other) retro system projects...
  • The Bathtub Curve of Vintage Tech Prices

  • This is something I was thinking about, having gotten my hands dirty in vacuum tubes, amplifiers, vintage electronics, but also materials for old-school manual and hot metal typesetting. See, as tech grows older, it becomes outdated and unpopular, superseded...
  • The amusement app improvement

  • Amusement App Development Expertise  We have confidence in giving striking client encounters exceptionally spellbinding and addictive versatile amusement application improvement. With a far-reaching comprehension of your thoughts, we move in the...
  • Any Image to UINT16_T byte Array

  • So,There are many services online that offer image conversion to a C/C++ byte array, but most limit you to the size of the LCD/OLED they have written it for.Not to say that they are not valid, but there are times where one just want an arbitrary byte...
  • Lions vs Ben Heck

  • The fight to make a CAD model leaves the lion kingdom feeling a bit under accomplished, compared to Ben Heck. Although his show only covers baby projects, he obviously is very skilled in CAD tools, electronic design tools, FPGA programming tools, embedded...
  • Intersil IM6100 Intercept junior like

  • When I was student in 1979 my solar project need to drive a equatorial parabola. I decided to use IM6100 and test application program with an Intercept Junior and TTY. In 2018, During dismantling cubicle in a room, I found old boards with IM6100. My...
  • Ultimate MSX Caps Lock cartridge

  • The Expert is a Brazilian manufactured in the 80's and it is compatible with MSX standard. It uses a detachable keyboard but it lacks the Caps Lock LED on the keyboard because the 13 pin connector used ran out of pins (even the shield is used as a 14th...
  • Vectrex cartridge board

  • Retro gaming project by @Frank Buss Vectrex cartridge This is my first version of a PCB for building a Vectrex cartridge. I used this for my Kickstarter project for the Bloxorz game. The PCB was manufactured by @oshpark , you can order your...
  • Comparison of XiAleste with other projects

  • A little bit about the motivations for creating the project XiAleste.The presence of similar projects for ZX Spectrum and C128 provoked the beginning of this project. Another reason was that Aleste 520EX is difficult to assemble and its circuitry does...