
1529 Results for "『 모든문의 OIO=5793=7458 』 선릉셔츠룸㈄ 『 모든문의 OIO=5793=7458 』 Ηcake²셔츠룸테란강남셔츠룸デwriter 셔츠룸테란강남셔츠룸 선릉셔츠룸⒁셔츠룸사이즈┲exhausted⅔"

  • Vacation - The Martian

  • I just returned from my vacation... at least i read Andy Weirs "The Martian".I just take my time at the beach and read the book in about 4 days ^^Many thanks to the HaD team for this recommendation.
  • Electronics Goldmine Assortments II

  • Time for another Electronics Goldmine analysis!2x Box of ICs (>50)19135; $10.00 ($2.99 when I bought them.)---------- more ----------2x CD4002CN - Dual 4-input NOR Gate1x CD4020BCN - 14 bit up counter/divider1x CD4034BE - 8 bit ser/par to ser/par shift...
  • TIME_WAIT: Random Notes

  • [Just a draft - please ignore for now]We have all seen it. TIME_WAIT sockets piling up and all hell breaks loose. This is an attempt to document all there is to know about this, so that we can learn how to address the issue better and move on with our...
  • Good HaD articles

  • Swarm Robots Programming State Machines Serial communication from Excel Hardware Good connection board (Monsieur Adaptateur) Eagle to KiCAD Stickers for component location in KiCAD KiCAD BOM management KiCAD Central KiCAD PDF datasheet to schematic symbolKiCAD...
  • How to Flash NodeMCU on Mac OS X Yosemite

  • Working with ESP8266 and NodeMCU can be very easy, or very challenging! I’ve been fortunate to have good luck but I’ve fielded may questions from people that have been having trouble.If you are on a Mac (or Linux), unfortunately there are not as many...
  • The Bendy PCB Material

  • rAfter @davedarko started his experiments with #flexible pcbsUPDATE: 2015-09-17 ---------- more ----------i wanted to show the Material which i meant: It is thin FR4 with both sides Coper. It can be used like a regular PCB but its much more bendy.I try...
  • Setting up Oracle Java 8, Gradle, and Maven On Beaglebone Green

  • To install the latest ARM Java 8 JDK release I hade to manually install it with the following process:First on your local machine download the latest Java 8 package for Linux ARM v6/v7 Hard Fload ABI found here:
  • Maker Faire Berlin 2015

  • [UPDATE] print is done :) Check the bottom of this page.Still recovering from that weekend. My first maker faire, a "have to", because it was in Berlin, my hometown. Friday night I was meeting with @WooDWorkeR, @Sophi Kravitz, @Elliot Williams and @al1...
  • Développement de l'industrie laser

  • Développement de l'industrie laserLaser industrie de la transformation dans le marché intérieur largement. La Chine est un grand pays de fabrication, l'équipement de traitement domestique vont augmenter le développement de l'industrie...
  • How to get CA ETo data with Electric Imp

  • Writing this quick post for @Reinier van der Lee and his #Vinduino, a wine grower's water saving project project.He is starting to use Electric Imp to connect his Vineyard and one of the tasks it tor retrieve ETo data. I recommended Electric Imp because...
  • Repurposing IDE-Cables (even for video!)

  • Briefly: 80-wire IDE cables are *great* for high-speed stuff... But the pinout is a bit more difficult than a straight-through 40-wire IDE cable, because the 80-wire cables have shielding (yay!) which is connected to specific pins designated as ground,...
  • Ideas to #PICTIL

  • I did really like the idea of #PICTIL. So I did some research on this and on this page I will just summarize ideas. (mostly because all this in a comment would be to much I think). First the idea of using the PIC16F527 which @Yann Guidon / YGDES suggested....
  • My Book: Python Playground

  • Python Playground (No Starch Press, USA) is the culmination of a few years of playing around with Python, plus 2 years of writing (ouch!).It's a playful romp through Python - 14 projects ranging from drawing spirographs using Turtle and parametric equations,...