
374 Results for ""

  • Basic LCD Control- Arduino Workshop

  • we will create a demonstration project Arduino Basic LCD Control that will show off most of the functions available in the LiquidCrystal.h library. We will be using a backlit 16x2 LCD Display. You will need to obtain an LCD display that uses the HD44780...
  • Servo Control- Arduino Workshop

  • In this very simple project, you will control a single servo using Arduino and a potentiometer. A servo is a motor with a feedback system that helps to control the position of the motor. Servos typically rotate through 180 degrees, although you can also...
  • Dual Servo Control - Arduino Workshop

  • This project, we will create Dual Servo Control using Arduino, this time will control two servos using commands from the serial monitor. Required Component : 1.Arduino 2. Resistors 3. Standard RC Servo 4.Potentiometer 5. connecting wire...
  • Basic Touch Screen– Arduino Workshop

  • For this project, We know about Basic Touch Screen  Arduino and you will need a Nintendo DS touch screen as well as a breakout module. The latter is essential as the output from the touch screen is a very thin and fragile ribbon connector, and it...
  • Phased array pulse design

  • Continuous wave or CW First a couple of links to some background explanations: Link: Radar tutorial on CW Link: Radar tutorial on range resolution CW pulse CW pulse consist of a constant frequency and a duration (pulse length). Range resolution...
  • Introduction to Raspberry Pi 4

  • The present age is the age of speed and speed is life. The automatic section of engineering is playing a big role in speeding up life. Whose unique discovery is Raspberry pi. Raspberry pi is a series of small computers that have been developed in United...
  • Propagation Velocity Outside Coax

  • No, this isn't like the sound of one hand clapping. Several popular ham antennas depend on multiple sections of coax, which act alternately as radiators and delay lines. The velocity of propagation in the delay lines is well known, being 66% for solid...
  • Winners of An Unconventional Clock contest

  • Congratulations to the winners of An Unconventional Clock contest in /r/diyelectronics on reddit!Winner of Community vote:Steam Punk owl clocks by Kurt SchaeferWith 20 votes total, this comprehensive build combines electronics, woodworking and using...
  • Basic Stepper Control – Arduino Workshop

  • In this very simple project, you will connect up a stepper motor and then get the Arduino to control it in different directions and at different speeds for a set number of steps. Basic Stepper Control - Arduino Workshop simple project to show you how...
  • Resistance is fut^Wavailable

  • You're never safe from a good surprise ! A renowned electronic parts store in Paris (one of the too few remaining) found an old box in the back of their warehouse and sold its contents for such a ridiculous price that I bought the whole box. I happened...
  • Arduino Workshop-Piezo Sounder Alarm

  • Today in this project we are going to create a wailing alarm sound, By connecting a piezo sounder to a digital output pin this is very, this is a very simple project I will show you in this project step by step Required Component : 1.Arduino 2. Piezo...