
116 Results for "Reverse Engineering Blood Glucose Monitors"

  • USBuddy: USB Development Tool

  • Kaktus Circuits created this board to analyze USB devices:Tindie Blog: USBuddyEasily tap into the USB signals coming and going while the device is still connected to the bus [..] monitors power consumption [..] handy for reverse engineering devices without...
  • Reverse Engineering Meetup this Wednesday

  • The Mountain View Reverse Engineering Meetup will be meeting at Giovanni’s New York Pizzeria in Sunnyvale, CA this Wednesday, January 10th: We have the side room (ie including TV) reserved for talks.7:00-7:10: mingle7:10-7:50: “Reverse...
  • Let it Flow

  • First, a question. Can anyone out there tell me how the water system in my home knows that it is late afternoon on Friday? Six of the eight times the system has failed, whether due to lightning, freezing or some other cause, it was within an hour of...
  • HDMI splitter with built-in extension

  • Opening speechPreviously, we've reviewed several options for twisted-pair network cable HDMI extenders. We've also taken a look at their various functions. This time, i would like to focus on an interesting type of device: an HDMI splitter/extender via...
  • Hacking a Bluetooth / Wifi enabled Trailcam

  • I recently came across a deal on ebay for a low cost Bluetooth / Wifi enabled trail cam and decided, it might be worth a look.After receiving the item, I was less than pleased with the functionality and the need to use the very poorly designed app. So...
  • Padauk "3¢ MCU" resources

  • I've been reading about these "3¢ MCUs" and thought I'd publish the links I have. The "terrible" 3 cent MCU. Padauk's products are on this list. An in-depth look at the Padauk line and the Hackaday writeup with links to example projects. The 3¢...
  • Cheap ebay stuff, K150 programmer

  • As probably a lot of folks here, I developed very slight hoarding disorder, known also as "impulsive midnight aliexpress shopping sessions" over the time I tinker with electronics. I buy stuff that goes into "messy box" and after a time I find out it...
  • Sym-1 to R-Pi SBCs

  • Hi fellow Hackers, Every hacker's project published on Hackaday has some sort of back story, and a history of personal achievements and journeys. These are my personal reminiscences sparked off by the desire to revisit to the world of the Sym-1. You...
  • Harvest parts from cars?!

  • Isn´t it a shame that perfectly good stuff gets thrown away? Thats especially true in the car sector.Once a car is slightly older and or breaks, we tend to throw away the whole product. But a car isnt just a car... It´s a collection of wonderful...
  • Applications of Shunt Clippers and Dual Clippers

  • Voltage plays a key role in the smooth running of electronic devices. A large amplitude voltage may irreparably affect the performance of the device, or worse, can make it useless. Therefore, it is crucial to protect electronic equipment. A clipper is...