
6 Results for "esp8266"


  • It is known that the cooling machine is widely used in the industry. In this paper, I will show you how to use STONE HMI LCD as the display to combine the temperature sensor with Arduino esp8266 cooler application; the communication between the...
  • Wireless MCU platforms

  • ESP32 The ESP32 development boards are not without their problems.  Why keep using them anyway?  The ESP32 IC only costs €2.31/pce on Digikey.  Design a decent breakout board and done! Well, if you don't want to design your own...
  • Arduino-programmable ARM Cortex M4F Boards

  • @Kris Winer of Pesky Products designed these easy-to-program, high-performance and low-power dev boards:Arduino-programmable Cortex M4F Development BoardsProgram an STM32L4 Cortex M4F with the Arduino IDE via USBTechnical specifications of the Butterfly...
  • Still here

  • 06/05/2017 Hi, I haven't been doing much of my projects lately due to health issues. I am keen to get back to my projects but there is going to be some time still before I can do so. I still have all the enthusiasm but unfortunately I don't currently...
  • Everything looks like a (plastic) nail ..

  • To a man with a hammer (3d printer) ... everything looks like a (plastic) nail … OK.  Whew.  Turns out that 3D printing is addictive.   Who would have thought?   It’s been about a month now since I got my (first, only) Prusa...