
204 Results for ""

  • 70cm band Antennas

  • General Understanding Antenna Specifications and Operation : Application Note AN-00501 The quarter wavelength on 433MHz is 17cm. VSWR < 2.0 is acceptable.  Less than 10% of the power will be reflected back to the transmitter. Baluns avoid RF-radiation...
  • TIME_WAIT: Random Notes

  • [Just a draft - please ignore for now]We have all seen it. TIME_WAIT sockets piling up and all hell breaks loose. This is an attempt to document all there is to know about this, so that we can learn how to address the issue better and move on with our...
  • Cypress FX2LP High-Speed USB Controller

  • @Yin Zhong designed this dev board for Cypress FX2LP microcontroller:μ-68013: a High Speed USB2.0 MCU breakoutCypress’s FX2LP (CY7C6801x) is one of the smallest footprint MCUs that offer a high-speed USB (480 Mbit/s) device peripheral with built-in...
  • 5.) The chainwheel (Pt. 1)

  • Discovered at ebay, I purchased from an auction a nice aluminum 46-teeth chainwheel ('Kettler' brand). It 'snuggles' to the frame, the chainline looks well and it is in proper condition. Kettler chainwheel and crank arms, mounted Also, I have a pair...
  • Touch Garden Light

  • This article shows you how to make a touch garden light shown in the photo below: I used a encasement from an old solar garden light. The light turns on when the two contacts from the circuit are connected by human hands or human fingers. You can see...
  • The Gerber Scale helped get us to the Moon

  • Steve Taranovich examining an Apollo Service Module Engine at NASA White Sands. The Gerber Scale sped up designs like this to meet President Kennedy’s goal to get a man on the moon by the end of the 60’s decade (Image courtesy of Loretta Taranovich)...
  • Giant nixie panel from USSR

  • Once in Internet I found photos of giant soviet panel named IGG1 (ИГГ1). It was looking stunning! This panel made in two versions:IGG1–32x32 with 32x32 dots resolutionIGG1–64x64 with 64x64 dots resolution Some technical data:Brighntness: 150–300 kd\m2;Minimal...
  • VESC firmware build with Docker container [ v5.2 ]

  • Hi all, This is my first post and I just wanted to share this in a place where I hope others may find it.TLDR: checkout my fork, build the docker image,run container with the BLDC repo mounted, running 'make' should build the firmware targeted in...
  • A Visit To W6TRW

  • During a visit to the ham swap meet at Northrop Grumman in Redondo Beach. It's always on the last Saturday of the month, and until now I haven't been in LA on the last Saturday of the month. Because I went to Sparklecon last week, I was also able...
  • Star Wars: Battlefront Beta Impressions

  • So the beta for the third entry in the Battlefront franchise has launched on the PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. It will last four days and includes just a handful of weapons, two maps, and two modes. My initial impressions are exceptionally positive, but...
  • Open Hardware Summit 2016: morning sessions

  • Video recordings of Session 1 and Session 2 of Open Hardware Summit 2016 in Portland:Programming is ForgettingAllison Parrish[seek to 45 min]“Embedis” dictionary server for embedded systemsTom Moxon and David Turnbull[seek to 1 hr 18 min]OpenMV:...