
194 Results for "%E3%80%8A%EC%B5%9C%EC%A0%80%EA%B0%80 O1O%CE%9E5793%CE%9E7458%E3%80%8B %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%B0%EC%8B%9C%EC%8A%A4%ED%85%9C%E3%86%8B %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%B0%EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8applause%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%B0%EC%8B%9C%EC%8A%A4%ED%85%9C%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%B0%EC%8B%9C%EC%8A%A4%ED%85%9C%EC%8B%A0%EC%82%AC%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%B0%EC%A3%BC%EB%8C%80caught %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%B0%E3%8F%87%E3%85%97%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%B0queer"

  • What's a "typical relay" ?

  • While discussing with Paul Falstad about a new feature of circuitjs, came the question of which default parameter to propose to the users. For basic simulations, the contact's resistances can be pushed to the limits (on: 1m Ohm - off: 1G Ohm) because...
  • Making Soft Bubbles

  • Intro Soft robotics is a field that has fascinated me for the longest time. Though the research field is maturing, I still haven't seen many hobby level soft robotic projects. Starting with no prior experience, a little more than a year ago I got to...

  • The novel coronavirus has caused nearly more than 80 thousand confirmed cases nationwide, and the respirators and respirators are in short supply in recent months. Not only that, but the situation abroad is also not optimistic. The cumulative number...
  • Introduction to TIGK stack for IoT

  • The TIGK Stack is a collection of associated technologies which combine to deliver a platform for storing, capturing, monitoring and visualizing data that is in time series. The TIGK stack consists of the following technologies: Telgeraf – collection...
  • myStorm: rapid FPGA dev system

  • The Storm Expands — Folknology LabsIn order for myStorm to have practical use as a rapid FPGA development system we need to support many peripherals commonly used in modern digital electronics, inputs, outputs and patches.Folknology has shared the boards...
  • saladin

  • Saladin ( is a Vietnamese Insurtech startup, backed by global venture capitals since 2022. We provide a one-touch-solution platforms for diverse protections to the general Vietnamese public, Multiple Insurers – Multiple Products – Multiple...
  • ST-211

  • /*320  160 80  40  20  10  5  0    0   1   1   0   0  1 =   $1.25  = 0x19 =25  0    0   1   1  ...
  • SoftEgg Hobby Computer

  • I've been sick, and so NanoEgg work that requires thinking just makes me more ill. In my feverish delusions, I thought "wouldn't it be great if we had useless hobby computers like we had in the 80's, that were only good for games and puttering?" And...
  • How to Reduce the Overheating of a Servo Motor

  • As an operating element of mechanical equipment, servo motors get widely used in the servo systems. Sometimes the heating of the operating servo motors may make us a wonder whether it is normal if we lack some professional knowledge. Actually, it...
  • Links to External Stuff

  • Some Interesting Stuff:Blue Sea Systems has some inexpensive, 80-volt DC fuse products.Read for perspective on American Culture (Too Many Experts Protecting Interests, Not Looking For A Way To Make Solar Energy Affordable)Images of Conformal Building...