
52 Results for "open source ecology"

  • Current State in Open Source Hematocrit Sensors

  • Hello. I'm interesting in reading about the current state in open source Hematocrit sensors. What type of technology is used (nir, ppg, etc) What are apropiate for determining water content in blood, Any shared reference will be apreaciated. Regards,...
  • Low level open source projects, for begginners?

  • I'm thinking what to do for my bachelor thesis. I would like to do somekind of low level programming (MCUs, system, drivers etc.). And I would like to contribute to some real-world open source project.Are there any open source projects, that could use...
  • CERN open hardware license. ? Or any alternative

  • Does anyone have experience with this? we just say or product is licensed under this or do we fill in some forms & register it with them or?Anyone know of any alternatives.  I am trying to find the...
  • Home automation

  • Hey there are a lot of us doing home automation projects, and for the most part we are all using the same hardware. Slight differences between them all. But overall we are all reinventing the same wheel.  I am willing to share code and idea's with...
  • "Lulzbot is going gangbusters"

  • Hackaday wrote:"Lulzbot is going gangbusters. They saw 800%  growth over the last two  years. and $15M in revenue in 2015. They did this all with open source  hardware and software, and using 3D printing in a manufacturing context. ...
  • Need 64 pwm outputs that can source 25ma

  • I'm thinking of re-doing the electronics to an old shift-register based 8x8x8 LED cube (uses 5v LEDs). I want to instead do fast pwm in hardware.Unfortunately its built with the layers being common anode. So I need 64 individual pwm outputs which...
  • A solid license

  • Can anyone recommend a good license I can use for my project/s? I'm on HaD so that others may use my ideas, so I'm not trying to restrict whats in them. After being Robbed by a celebrity maker outside of HaD who didnt even credit me, or indeed us, I...