
36 Results for "X%20%EC%98%AC%EB%A6%BC%ED%94%BC%ED%81%AC%20%EB%A6%AC%EC%98%B9%20CDDC7%EB%8B%B7%EC%BB%B4%20%E3%85%BF%ED%94%84%EB%A1%9C%EB%AA%A8%EC%85%98%EB%B2%88%ED%98%B8%20B77%E3%85%BFbepick%DA%B8%EC%9B%90%EC%97%91%EC%8A%A4%EB%B2%B3%20%EC%8A%AC%EB%A1%AF%EB%A8%B8%EC%8B%A0%E0%B2%A3%EC%84%9C%EC%B2%9C%EB%B3%B5%EA%B6%8C%EB%B0%A9%E1%B9%93%ED%95%9C%ED%99%94%EC%9D%B4%EA%B8%80%EC%8A%A4%EC%98%A4%EB%8A%98%EA%B2%BD%EA%B8%B0%E0%AD%80%EC%98%AC%EB%A6%BC%ED%94%BC%ED%81%AC%20%EB%A6%AC%EC%98%B9%EC%82%AC%EB%9E%91%20backpedal/"

  • X-Box Server: Call of Duty Console

  • I have seen on YouTube many inventors & hackers build servers completely from gaming consoles. At one point Ben Heck (fellow YouTuber and tech guru...) outfitted three game systems and created a super gaming machine. In this project would like to see...
  • medstone 200 series x-ray machine repair

  • EDIT: does not look like a medstone 300, very similar, almost entirely similar. it may be a medstone 200 series unit guys, I found an x-ray machine for free on craigslist and I'm getting all the information I can before...
  • Quarantine/Embargo of new projects and users

  • Hello dear  community,As the question of spam is trending again, I have thought about reasonable, fair and efficient measures that the HaD team could implement quickly to reduce the annoyance.One modest proposal is embargoing projects of new users...
  • Need 64 pwm outputs that can source 25ma

  • I'm thinking of re-doing the electronics to an old shift-register based 8x8x8 LED cube (uses 5v LEDs). I want to instead do fast pwm in hardware.Unfortunately its built with the layers being common anode. So I need 64 individual pwm outputs which...
  • Unknown Error code?

  • I never check my account, and so I forgot my password. I'm usually on here, so i'll lay some error code here and if anyone can make sense of it, that would be great. On my project #12 Servo Hexapod , i'm 90% sure it's my mega that's screwing...
  • Real time long exposure

  • i am looking for a software that takes the input from a camera and display on the PC screen the sum of each pexel of the previous x frames and get a result as in a long exposure picture. Every time a new frame is captured the "x" old one would be discarded....