
65 Results for "IoT"

  • Energy harvesting contest

  • Since (the fuzzy concept of) ioT is all around, I would like to see some official competition/contest (underground goes as well) on uW and mW energy harvesting for things like BLE and WiFi devices/projects. What do you guys think about...
  • Using matter controls slicer matterslice.exe

  • I have started to use matterslice.exe include wiith matter control as it makes amazing support structure that is easy to remove.I have been having trouble making it work off off a a settings ini file via the command line. Any help would be apreciated. ...
  • Best Wireless Communication Protocol

  • So I'm working on an IoT project that needs to be low cost. I need some way for a very basic PIC or some other type of MCU to communicate with a base hub (raspberry pi maybe?). The keys are low power, low data throughput, small PCB footprint, and...
  • ESP8266 with Rest-api POST/GET

  • Hi guys,I am new in the IoT, but I have more expreience in programing. I would like to create a simple program for ESP8266. With these program, the wifi module can post some data (eg: JSON) to an web server (eg.: Spring). I don't know how I started it.If...
  • Happy shellies in a local network

  • IoT devices are smart, but the whole system is smarter if they're kept isolated, especially critical devices that have control over high electrical power equipment.Above is a link with an isolation strategy, that is actually very cheap in cost and in...
  • Hardware Security Conference, 1-2 Oct in Netherlands

  • Dear hackers and makers, -  objective revolves around key concerns in hardware, firmware and related protocols i.e. backdoors, exploits, trust and attacks (BETA).  There is alot more focus on IoT, Telecom, SCADA, Medical, Automobile,...
  • I hate Arduino

  • Shitty libraries, hidden code or absurd levels of encapsulation, thousands of libraries to do a simple task, tutorials on new hardware based on some obscure library made up of 30 GitHub files, shield towers 15 stories high because nobody has read the...