
5 Results for "toy"

  • idea for a flying bagpipe

  • This is the idea, for a RC flying toy:A single propeller, or a small centrifugal compressor blows air into a reservoir which is the body of the flying machine. The reservoir can even be made of textile material. So it will...
  • Force feedback using a braking system

  • Hi I'm trying to make a moveable object where the level of difficulty required to push the object can be controlled from within a game engine. [Cube size 1m³, room size 10m³].The idea would the attributes of the physical box would mimic those...
  • Robot arm musings

  • I don't have a robot arm. I don't need a robot arm and I don't have the time to build one. Damn, I have enough other projects and problems I should not even think about robot arms. Nevertheless I always read through any robot arm projects that come up...