
3619 Results for "3D%20printing"

  • Talking Volt-meter using Arduino

  • hello guys, today we are going to make a smart talking voltmeter. This one is built on Arduino and gives the reading by speaking itself. This function is cool and attractive because when we are working on circuits, we have to see again and again the...
  • Tetent [gd0090]

  • Media Inspiration and/or examples of working principle Imagine that each slider has the features of the below knob: An LCD backlight was also considered: Navigation The title tag system is explained here, and the table is updated when a change occurs. Notable...
  • SecSavr Sublime [gd0036]

  • Media Music I mentally associate with this project Ashton Edminster - Something Different: Mainly the "Something different, don't know what to call it" line because this printer isn't a conventional FFF printer and this project was just called "SecSavr"...