
10619 Results for ""

  • Mato Smiles and Blinks

  • I'm adding construction details here . . . after the video.Mato II Construction Parts: (2) 12 V dc 60 rpm gear motors (2)...
  • MQTT Setup

  • -setup raspberry pi with Jessie-installed mosquitto on raspberry piwget sudo apt-key add mosquitto-repo.gpg.key rm mosquitto-repo.gpg.key cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ sudo wget
  • Log#45 : Nikolay's questions

  • By whygee on Friday 27 July 2012, 04:08 - ArchitectureI just received an email from another "hacker" who raised a lot of interesting questions. I answered by email and I share here some important ideas and insights.Nikolay wrote : > To be honest, I was...
  • Alternative to FTDI

  • The icebreaker uses SPI to either write the bit stream to the non-volatile flash memory or directly to the FPGA. The bit stream written to the SPI flash gets automatically loaded by the FPGA after power-on. The Colorlight also has a SPI flash holding...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 4

  • Josh Lloyd12:43 PMWhat features am I missing out on? Josh Lloyd12:43 PMWould I need them? technolomaniac12:44 PM4 layer board, a few restrictions on board size. Jan12:44 PMusing the "real" software for years noone could ever like openSCAD or FreeCAD...
  • Frame animations and more

  • Last entry, I was working on the frame animation system. By combing the re-sampler function with the frame selector, it made live a whole lot easier. Basically any object which can be tiled up in frames has this information in the XML file and that is...
  • Learning Bluetooth Classic (BR/EDR) with HCI traces

  • I worked in WiFi for around 10 year, five first as a tester then as a Linux driver developer. So I got a base on RF but didn't know much about Bluetooth until I started this project. What I learned from those years is that you got to get wireless trace...
  • IBM BlueMix Node Red went down

  • So IBM Blue Mix had issues with Red Node all weekend and my app would not connect. I spent Sunday building one from scratch and that would not connect. So time is up. I will continue with this. Guess the apps still are not running this morning:The project...