
810 Results for "《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 강남셔츠룸ㅬ レresidence㎱강남셔츠룸신사셔츠룸⑧appetite 강남셔츠룸강남란제리 강남셔츠룸╃강남란제리″names㏊"

  • Breadboard Gameboy

  • The project uses a Teensy 4.1 as its main processing unit and storage device (SD card). The FT81x Arduino Driver is used as a display system.Wiring Display For display wiring please refer to this guide for the FT81x Arduino...
  • MMBASIC on Small RP2040 Card

  • Running MMBASIC Interpreter for the Raspberry Pi Pico on Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040. MMBasic is a Microsoft BASIC compatible implementation of the BASIC language with floating point, integer and string variables, arrays, long variable names,...
  • InstaBeat LE MP3 Player

  • This project was designed for assembly in STEM workshops.  I've had kids ages 7 to 12 assembling it in about 4 hours. So the beneficial aspect of this project is that it can be used to teach kids technology. The front and back panels are lasercut,...
  • retro 1 6502 homebrew computer

  • After completing the Nand2Tetris course, I had a hankering for creating an actual working computer that I could solder together and program. I took on this challenge mostly for the learning experience. My goals were to get some more experience with digital...
  • Single Chip AVR BASIC Computer

  • I created this project as a sort of follow up to my Arduino BASIC Shied project which used a custom designed shield to turn the Arduino UNO into a computer running the BASIC programming language. The shield worked correctly but two reasons made me decide...
  • Easy CNC controller

  • This project began several years ago when I got a multi purpose machine kit. The kit allowed you to build various machines including a lathe and milling machine. Obviously I wanted to automate the kit but I knew nothing about CNC or CAM software.Most...
  • Introducing… BeoModern

  • This whole thing started when I saw first time this Beosound 9000 CD player designed and manufactured by Bang & Olufsen (BeO). Moving forward, few years back I manage to buy this player! It was faulty and I spent some time learning peculiarities that...
  • GPS Talking Clock

  • The timekeeping aspect of this project is very simple. While the GPS clock project had granularity down to the 10th-of-a-second, which required some interpolation, this clock only requires one second granularity. There is a need to keep a sub-second...
  • Mini DVR video recorder.

  • PROJECT PURPOSE This purpose of this project is to provide some information about the mini DVR, not a detailed guide on how to make an infrared video camera and recorder.   The full animal video build may be detailed in another project. INTRO...
  • Unicode Binary Input Terminal

  • Classic binary data entry meets modern Unicode: 149K characters at your fingertips. A physical user interface to enter any Unicode character over USB, with a glyph preview and codepoint details rendered on-demand by the Raspberry Pi Pico under the hood....
  • DCC Hacking

  • What we know In the last few years, a lot of useful information has appeared about the secrets of DCC. Old magazine articles, press conference handouts, course material for technicians who needed to repair DCC recorders, service manuals and service bulletins,...