
6880 Results for "《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 셔츠룸후기た 《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 ⑷plenty㎋셔츠룸후기셔츠룸후기んteeth 셔츠룸후기선릉셔츠룸 강남셔츠룸₩셔츠룸ⓤsilverⓞ"

  • A Traveler Has Arrived

  • Make contact. Unscrambled circles will get you _ _ _ _ _ _ Across: 3: this is what project #164913 is all about 5: dressed in stripes of BBROYGBVGW 8: I go clack and have an electromagnet 11: the brain of the circuit 13: one of the...
  • Fast Electric Mountain Bike

  • Design Criteria Fast – For me fast = fun Rugged – Has to cope with off-road use High torque - Good hill climbing ability Reasonable Looks – I didn’t want the classic home-made E-Bike look! Must be able to pedal without turning the motor. Introduction...
  • The clothes peg actuator

  • Below is a description of the project following the design process step by step.High level designI needed a clamp with a stable closed position that I could control from a microcontroller. The clamp didn't need to be too strong so I decided to keep things...
  • YaRC Vehicle V1 & 2

  • Sketch of the electronics Its heart is a Teensy 3.2 microcontroller board. It is fast, has plenty of peripherals and is easy to use due to Arduino compatible libraries. I use an H-bridge IC, the L293, as motor driver, allowing to drive in reverse. It...
  • DrDAC USB Audio DAC

  • High quality sound should be a right, not a luxury. To that end, I worked to make a cheaper, open-source version of cobaltmute's pupDAC for a EE PCB design class.Over the course of a semester, we selected a circuit, analyzed it, turned it into a MultiSim...
  • Twitch: fast 3 servo hexapod

  • General:Twitch is a 3 servo 'hexapod' inspired by a similar robot made by Amino-san from Japan, seen on YouTube. The idea behind this bot is that it's very mobile (on flat surfaces) for a walking robot with only three servos. The simplicity, walking...
  • Share the Warmth

  • Okay, I cheated (just a little bit). Even before we built the house, we could see that this was going to be an issue, so when I was panelling the internal walls I left spaces for ducts to run from the lounge area, through the under-stairs storage area,...