
2013 Results for "3D printing"

  • Solar powered weather station

  • It just measures temperature.  The humidity & barometric pressure are constant.  Being a tiny apartment, there's no place for a rain gauge & the only temperature measurements are from a balcony.  The temperature readings are bad, but better...
  • Janky Tape Echo

  • The Indifferent Engine "Janky" Tape Echo An open source project to design and build a janky retro tape echo effect from readily available parts.   Tape echo effects sound cool, but are expensive and/or hard to find and maintain. Whilst there...
  • HBKD-81

  • Initial goals: I want this to be a standard case replacement for the ZX81 first and foremost. So, to that end I have the following goals in mind: Use the KD-81 as a reference for stylingsmall (ish) form factor with out having a crowded casestandard size...
  • Versa3D by CreateAll

  • 3D PrinterWhen designing the 3D printer, speed and print volume were the biggest concerns. The Versa3D has a print volume of 11.8 x 11.8 x 8.7 in. or 1,211 cubic inches. This is an extremely large amount considering the desktop design. To allow this...
  • Sax-a-Boom Clone

  • This is not the greatest instrument in the world, noThis is just a tribute! When I asked my 9-year-old son who he was going to pick as the subject of his third-grade biography project, he thought about it seriously and answered, "probably either Abraham...
  • How I created my own Bb8 robot

  • In 2015 a long awaited sequel of the fantastic saga was released, though with new actors and a new philosophy of the Walt Disney’s Studio. Our fan saw once again his favorite robots and realized it was time to create something of the kind. That was George...
  • Putting the flex on flexures

  • Linear motion is a mode of movement where all three degrees of rotation are fixed and two degrees of motion are fixed so that an object can only move along one axis.  This is how the bold on a dead bolt moves, how a drawer slide moves, and how a...
  • Hacking a Cheap Wifi Outlet

  • DISCLAIMER: This project plugs in to the mains, which has dangerous voltages and can kill you. Never plug in the device working on this project - you can re-program using an external 5V supply.I have a Rancilio Silvia coffee machine, that needs time...