
441 Results for "%E3%80%8A%E3%80%88 %EB%AC%B8%EC%9D%98 OIO%E2%86%975793%E2%86%977458 %E3%80%8B%E3%80%89 %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8%E3%81%A3 %EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8%EA%B0%80%EA%B2%A9conspicuous%EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8%ED%9B%84%EA%B8%B0%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8%EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8solid %EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8%EA%B0%80%EA%B2%A9%E2%94%82%C3%86%EC%85%94%EC%B8%A0%EB%A3%B8%ED%9B%84%EA%B8%B0derivative"

  • MIDI Shoes

  • basic code for using - updates later/* MIDI note player This sketch shows how to use the serial transmit pin (pin 1) to send MIDI note data. If this circuit is connected to a MIDI synth, it will play the notes F#-0 (0x1E) to F#-5 (0x5A) in sequence....
  • Forced cooling without fans

  • According to some old data I posted back in july 2013, when I was installing it, the temperature of the LED test point is 110 degrees with no chimney, and 80 degrees after the chimney was added.Right now, I did a similar test with thermal imager. Without...
  • TPS63070 DaughterBoard

  • The selection of the feedback resistors is critical. The standard output voltage is supposed to be 3.3V. For the appropriate resistor values i just checked the datasheet which had a table with values. Since the I want to be able to select the output...
  • AT29C256 Flash Programmer

  • Programmer Design OptionsStrip-board works well (I use A$8 41 x 144 board), but I did look at using a mini-Mega2560: I  used an on-board Arduino Nano as they are cheap (and I have a couple of them lying around) and they provide serial and power.But...
  • Bat Sonar

  • Video showing the bat sonar in actionThis video shows the sensor in action.  The left graph shows the identified targets.  The size of the circles indicates the strength, and the location on the graph is their measured location.  The graph...
  • 5V Logic on a Z80 Retrocomputer

  • I bought a bunch of Z80 parts on ebay for cheap ($10 plus shipping). The parts came on a PCB which had not yet been flow soldered. From the date codes of the parts it looks like it was stuffed sometime around 1999. All I had to do was straighten...
  • Enecsys Microinverter Monitoring

  • 1 Intro The Enecsys Gateway is a Zigbee gateway allowing communications between the Enecsys microinverters and their monitoring backend. The Enecsys company is unfortunately defunct since 2015 and their DNS domains have been taken over by a UK enecsys...