
27 Results for "3D printing"

  • ARX Hand Project X1M

  • ARX X1M Design Overview X1M focuses on developing an advanced mechanical design that maintains a high functionality whilst being modular and maintaining ease of assembly. The hand mainly functions off of a configurable whippletree block that drives two...
  • DIY Cost Effective PAPR Design

  • FYI... I'm learning 3D Printing concurrently with this project, so don't be surprised if the print quality isn't so great.  More likely the STL files quality, due to concurrently learning new software applications, aren't so great and you might...
  • Basement Workspace

  • + IKEA cabinets have worked out awesome for me. If I setup another shop again this would be one of the first things that I bought, the only thing I would change is more drawers. The drawers are awesome, and they are full extend, and they are a good depth...
  • midi-deck

  • Disclaimer: this is my first big 3d print project, and I was learning Freecad as I went. And Kicad. And 3d printing. The version of the custom software shown in the pictures isn't fit for general release but I do hope to release the next version of...
  • YaRC Vehicle V1 & 2

  • Sketch of the electronics Its heart is a Teensy 3.2 microcontroller board. It is fast, has plenty of peripherals and is easy to use due to Arduino compatible libraries. I use an H-bridge IC, the L293, as motor driver, allowing to drive in reverse. It...
  • Battery Charging Through Shoes

  • Introduction Hi dear hackday I hope you will be fine today. I am presenting a project about power generation with the movement of steps. It has 3 phases. First will be with piezoelectric, second will be with hand harvesting flash light that has dc gear...
  • Visualizing Hi-dimensional Data

  • The plan here is to build up intuition for HiD representations in parallel coordinates:points -- The basic representation of points as lines in PC.lines -- The observation that lines map to points in PC.planes -- Hyperplanes can be detected visually.clusters...

  • (In fast-forward mode. Note that the GIF is played at x8 speed.) SHIHEN is a device which colors your everyday (a bit).Have a glimpse of your favorite poems, quotes or scenes of a movie. OK, What does this device do?  Let me briefly explain....