
203 Results for "health"

  • DIY fiber optic sensors

  • IntroThere are various systems of fiber optic sensors (sensing mostly non-electric parameters, like temperature, mechanical strain or pressure), many of them using fiber only as data medium, while the active part is electronic or mechanical based.The...
  • ArduIMU V4

  • The ArduIMU V4 is based on an ATmega128RFA1 and is 100% compatible with theArduino Framework. What's on the new ArduIMU V4?Of course, we included an FTDI chip (USB UART, FT230XQ) on the ArduIMU V4 board so the communication with the host computer can...
  • The Kasei Initiative

  • (Productized artist's rendering. Background image from NASA does not sponsor or endorse the Kasei Initiative and I am not affiliated with them in any way.)Since children are...
  • Radio Stream Recorder

  • Steps: I followed the Adafruit tutorials lessons 1,2,3,6 and 7. How about, buy your hardware like I did, from AdaFruit to say thank you.To make the headless system wake up with WiFi working, I modified...

  • In the world of professional agriculture, a lot of focus has been put on large, incredibly expensive machines that work in huge open fields where just one crop is grown. Whilst this is incredibly efficient and produces very cheap food, it's not good...
  • Yapolamp

  • WHY I wanted to make this because my son is probably going to shine whatever torch he can find in his eyes and my understanding is that shorter wavelengths in the blue and UV region can damage your eyes if too much enters your eye. As I understand it,...
  • Hackaday NYC x Kickstarter

  • Venue: Kickstarter (58 Kent St, Brooklyn, NY 11222) RSVP required: Join us on Thursday, September 21st as Hackaday MakeIt NYC teams up with Kickstarter for a...
  • DIY Low-cost AT Switches

  • Despite the improvements achieved by the research community in the area of human-computer interaction, conventional interactions are still the most used ones for device control. However, these  methods usually force the use of hands, which becomes...
  • IoT Machine-Guard

  • Project Main Focus: During my pilot study, I noticed an increasing lack of a good dependable device that can guard most industrial machines; track and analyze machinery data outputs, protect machines from damage or even fires caused by malfunction or...