
3714 Results for "8-bit cpu"

  • CPU4

  • CPU 4 Background. Weird CPU My first CPU ( was an 8 bit TTA (Transport Triggered Architecture). It has a front panel and sits happily on my shelf chasing LEDs in circles (such is the life of a simple CPU):...
  • Tek V2

  • The ZX machines read the matrix keyboard by lowering 1 out of 8 upper address lines (A8..A15) and then read 5 bits of data in lines D0..D4 (as D5..D7 serve for other purposes). According to the Z80 manual during an I/O read cycle the time spent from...
  • Microcode-less TTL CPU

  • Architecture Wikipedia article: Transport Triggered Architecture Since the CPU doesn't utilize microcode (I don't have an EPROM burner so one of the goals was to create the CPU without EPROM chips), it can do only one simple thing: move data during...
  • The simplest 4-bit RISC CPU

  • * This project is sponsored by PCBway, full feature custom PCB prototype service. are many prior examples of 4-bit CPU projects. For example, a 4-bit CPU (TD4 once again) by Fedor Gruzdev
  • ALU in DCTL technology

  • Now it is much too hot in the attic to work on my RISC Relay CPU,  thinking starts about a next project. So I designed an ALU (wikipedia: ALU) in DCTL, that might be used in a next project. The ALU was simulated in the Falstad simulator, that...
  • CBS6000 Computer

  • The CBS6000 is a 6502-based computer I built back in 2014. Back then I took great interest in retro computing especially Commodore 64 computers. Some of these computers did not work, so they would be repaired or scrapped for parts. I had a spare 6510...
  • Kobold K2 - RISC TTL Computer

  • MOTIVATION After having worked several months on the first Kobold CPU , I got the feeling that it was going in the wrong direction. I was working on a Javascript assembler, and got tangled up in the microcode complexity. I also didn't like that...
  • SPAM-1 - 8 Bit CPU

  • V2 objective I got v1 working in the sim but then decided I wasn't going to build it in hardware as these very simple CPU's aren't that capable or complex and I wanted more of a challenge; something that would force me to learn more. So this has...
  • Isetta TTL computer

  • The idea for this design was born at the end of januari (2023).  While many homebuilt CPU's have their own, unique instruction set, I decided that for this project the CPU would use an existing instruction set. Also, I wanted to build the computer...