
4255 Results for ""

  • Medical tricorder

  • From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: A medical tricorder is a handheld portable scanning device to be used by consumers to self-diagnose medical conditions within seconds and take basic vital measurements. The word "tricorder" is an abbreviation of...
  • Enecsys Microinverter Monitoring

  • 1 Intro The Enecsys Gateway is a Zigbee gateway allowing communications between the Enecsys microinverters and their monitoring backend. The Enecsys company is unfortunately defunct since 2015 and their DNS domains have been taken over by a UK enecsys...
  • L.E.D. Table

  • UPDATE 02/11/2017Previously mentioned bugs pertained to lots of noise while playing video streams. This was almost completely resolved by slowing down SPI to 8Mhz and increasing frame rate to 40. Another final part may be driving 5v SPI leds with a 3.3v...
  • Secure wireless remote

  • Sparkfun's design uses LoRA radios, which has library support for Arduino that makes it very easy to send and receive complete packets. If you're going to go that way, then it makes sense that they designed a multi-packet exchange. And there's nothing...
  • Raptor12 Wireless AC Dimmer

  • Currently in diy controllers (like renard SS16) and equivalent wired controller costs $80 with shopping around. Then to make it wireless requires an additional $10-30 depending on what you chose.That is still a bargain compared to commercial controllers...
  • Evette

  • I bought this Vette from a friend incredibly cheap, and to be "nice", it needs a few external parts and paint job which I'll be adding after modding. I have various ideas for what capabilities to add to this car. I comes to mind that since I'm not 20,...