
1091 Results for "smart car"

  • Smart Garage Model

  • Intro Greetings, people! I’m sure you know that smart house concepts are no longer a novelty, and smart devices take a significant part of our lives. It is mainly made possible by The Internet of things (IoT) networks which connect various electronic...
  • Reactron Overdrive

  • The system can be asked questions, told to remember things, made to serve information. Complex sequences of physical events can be arranged to occur without human interaction, or in response to human interaction. It makes coffee, and will deliver it....
  • MC60HB

  • - APPLICATIONSThe MC60HB can be used as a controller for simple and limited projects by using the GPIOs and available pins on the I/O ports. Or if you need more GPIOs, you can use the MC60HB as a passive device controlled by another microcontroller...
  • UDS Vehicle Data Logger

  • About the Project The last years I have been working on this project at university and want to share at least some basics. The whole project is really complex involving a datalogger management platform, wifi server upload and automatic database import,...
  • The Ulfberht+ Cyberdeck

  • This project was born from a place of frustration with previous computers I'd owned. Why were they all so finnicky about their power inputs? Why did companies give up on laptops with long battery life the instant iPads hit the market? Why couldn't you...
  • SafeRanger

  • PROBLEM : Many industrial applications involve checking for flaws in places where worker cannot act due to immense heat, toxic gases & limited space. Hence it is essential to monitor such parameters in high value engineering sectors such as electrical...