
1959 Results for ""

  • Voices of the past, speak up!

  • Introduction Talker/80 offers: DECtalk-Based Text-to-Speech (TTS) Synthesis: the Epson S1V30120 TTS chip on the utilized mikroBUS "TextToSpeech Click!" daughterboard from MikroElektronika implements DECtalk v5 - a natural sounding speech synthesizer...
  • UltraTower 2023

  • This project is the continuation of this link Will we run out of water? There is water almost everywhere on earth but when we talk about fresh water, there is only 2.5% on our planet. Too many people on this planet do not have access to potable water....
  • YGREC8

  • After the explorations with #YGREC-РЭС15-bis, I reached several limits and I decided to scale it down as much as possible. And this one will be implemented both with relays and VHDL, since the YGREC8 is a great replacement for Microchip's PICs....
  • The Open Source Autarkic Motherboard

  • 3-11-2024 See these two 2011 Liliputing and TechCrunch articles, which were partly the inspiration for this project: (6-4-11)...
  • Enecsys Microinverter Monitoring

  • 1 Intro The Enecsys Gateway is a Zigbee gateway allowing communications between the Enecsys microinverters and their monitoring backend. The Enecsys company is unfortunately defunct since 2015 and their DNS domains have been taken over by a UK enecsys...
  • Cyberdeck for 2024 Challenge

  • When my station isn't in a radio silence and doing really Recon passively and connect my wire or buy 5G or Wi-Fi it will have access to my personally trained large language model, convolutional neural network, with several additional modules and an agent...
  • The nRF9160 Feather

  • This board can be powered several ways. The most popular way to power Feather boards is by using the USB port. This board is no exception. It works well across both USB and LiPoly batteries. The board is designed from the ground up to be power efficient...
  • Lucky 4D Printer

  • The JP-QR701 specifications indicate that it has GB2312 support. I think this also applies to similar products that all seem to come from the same OEM or at least from the same design. Most documentation - especially that found on English-language distributors...