
613 Results for "《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 초콜릿셔츠룸㈁ ジinvolvedŊ강남셔츠룸초콜릿강남셔츠룸초콜릿∝gravity 초콜릿셔츠룸초콜릿가라오케 강남초콜릿ㅍ초콜릿셔츠룸↓famous⒟"

  • Pendleton Pen Plotter

  • The original design by Makeblock was ok, but the software they provided was awful. What began as a plan to switch out the electronics with GRBL compatible replacements, somehow ended up as somewhat of a redesign. In particular I wanted the z axis to...
  • PiDose

  • PiDose is an open-source tool for scientists performing drug administration experiments with mice. It allows for automated daily oral dosing of mice over long time periods (weeks to months) without the need for experimenter interaction and handling....
  • World's Smallest Bat Detector

  • The ConceptMost bats navigate at night by echolocation, sending out ultrasonic pings to get a picture of the world around them. This device detects those pings. Since bats are in short supply this time of year, I cobbled together a bat call simulator...
  • PDPii

  • At present PDP-11 computer systems are mostly forgotten, but there are PDP-11 compatible Soviet microprocessors still available on eBay (never used "new old stock") as KR1801VM2 (КР1801ВМ2 in Russian) and I'm going to bring PDP-11 of...
  • Badminton ACE Shuttle Launcher

  • Now with CAD & CODE: First few test feeds from the brand new hardware & software. Software is only roughed in enough to do some feeding so I could make a video but I like where things are headed. A long way...
  • Open Plane Project

  • Recent achievements:Battery build: Orthophotomaps: Simple mapArea measurementsMap with elevation data Endurance flight: Project:    As the name of the project implies, I wanted to come up with a free-to-share UAV concept for a capable plane...
  • TrillSat

  • Introduction Polo and the Pony Express: The T Acronyms Primary Purpose Restoring Communication When Our Infrastructure is Down Secondary Purposes The Ancient Library A Clarkeian Satellite/Spacecraft Analog The Trill Tethered Rocking Orbiting Tracker...
  • EVA (Electronic Voice Assistant)

  • I came up with the idea to use a good 'ole Raspberry Pi and I figured there must be some way to go on the internet, grab the appropriate TV schedule and then read it out through an amplified speaker, I decided that I also needed an easy to use and chunky...

  • DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERSDIAGRAM// UPDATE 29-JUL-2015: // Added A.V.V.A. (ALZHEIMER VICTIM VIDEO ASSISTANT) at #28 below - just scroll down to it.// #29 - V.I.S.O.R. - (Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement)// #30 - BioBed - Star Trek Medical...