
54 Results for "bldc"

  • Axiom: 100+kW Motor Controller

  • This project was released in endless-sphere forum, here's the thread where the discussion takes place: Check out why Axiom is an awesome candidate for the Hackaday Prize!:...
  • M10CUBE

  • M10CUBE  (M10 in short) road map This is a teamwork project! It is up to the contributors choice to show their name in public Soon... A PLC software using all M10CUBE I/Os : First PLC software will be  CODESYS (Raspberry Pi runtime is free...
  • NERF High-Impact Round Turret

  • Current state of the project It’s no longer just a collection of random bits and pieces glued together. This time I’m actually happy with how it works and looks. By no means is it perfect, but it’s getting closer. You can watch this video if you want...
  • Smart Soft Switch

  • Infineon CoolMOS C7 Gold SJ MOSFET×1 SparkFun Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz×1 ACS 712 Current sensor×1 OLED Display SSD1306×1 Resistor 10k ohm×4 Resistor 100k ohm×1 Resistor 330 ohm×1 Resistor 1M ohm×1 SparkFun...
  • DIY-MINI-BLDC-motor-winder

  • DIY-MINI-BLDC-motor-winder Hello friends I have made a mini stator winding machine using Arduino, this is just a prototype this machine is not accurate. This just give us idea how stator winding machine can work. In this project I have used two stepper...
  • Otter Force One

  • Overview Kelp forest decline is a severe global climate problem. In Northern California, more than 90% of kelp forests along 350 km of coastline were lost [1].  Satellite View Northern California kelp forest coverage. Image source: Meredith McPherson...
  • The Trash Printer - Version 3

  • The Trash Printer was inspired by the Precious Plastic movement, a global, open-source, small-scale plastic recycling movement! It started with 4 open-source machines - a shredder, an extruder, an injection molder, and a compression oven. Since the...
  • TrillSat

  • Introduction Polo and the Pony Express: The T Acronyms Primary Purpose Restoring Communication When Our Infrastructure is Down Secondary Purposes The Ancient Library A Clarkeian Satellite/Spacecraft Analog The Trill Tethered Rocking Orbiting Tracker...