
636 Results for "music"

  • The Amstrad CPC Portable

  • Demo Videos: The final CPC Portable playing "Oh Mummy!":  Build Objectives  In principle, I am not a big fan of case mods. Being a collector of retro computers, I strive to restore and preserve the original hardware. This cost-reduced CPC 464...
  • Squirrel Deterrent

  • I live in neighborhood with a lot of squirrels living in the old oak trees. I like the squirrels but I hate when they eat my heirloom tomatoes. I also don’t like the fact they eat all the nectarines off my tree before they are ripe. I don’t mind so much...
  • Arduino Line Follower Robot

  • COMPONENTS AND SUPPLIES Arduino UNO & Genuino UNO×1SparkFun Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298×1Proximity Sensor×1 APPS AND ONLINE SERVICES Arduino IDE ABOUT THIS PROJECT Line Follower Robot Best & Fast PCB Supplier (2$ for 10 PCBs)