
19604 Results for "《 예약문의 OIO≡⑧④89≡83O⑥》선릉레깅스룸㉹ベgrace레깅스룸S선릉레깅스룸선릉레깅스е я레깅스룸비용superstition 강남레깅스룸′강남레깅스§8fetch"

  • Solar power 4g timelapse

  • There's a lot of small detailed steps to this setup, but most are common things you'd be doing with each component individually.. ie: setting up Linux on the beaglebone.. connecting solar to batteries, through the charge controller. This is all basic...
  • Voice Controlled Raspberry Pi

  • This project is currently GPLv3 licensed.You just type voicecommand -e to edit the configuration file and add any speech and the coinciding command. You can see all of the little nifty commands it can recognize just with my config file in the video....
  • Pinewood Derby Police Car

  • So my son, [B]  did the soldering work. His uncle help him mill out the inside of the car to fit the electronics. [B] Drilled the holes for the lights and then painted the car with little sisters help.  We tested the code on the MSP430 launch...
  • AltSoftSerial Arduino Library

  • Arduino's SoftwareSerial library, based on NewSoftSerial by Mikal Hart, works pretty well for simple projects hwere you only do one thing at a time.  But it keeps interrupts disabled during the entire byte plus start and stop bits.  For reception,...
  • Interactive Disk Spin (2007)

  • Interactive Disk SpinThe Interactive Disk Spin was born one fateful night when Paul took the cover off an old hard drive, started compulsively spinning the shiny platters with his finger, and then wondered "how fast am I really making it go?" Two late-night...
  • Photo Light Table

  • Notice the PCB colors?  These are from the very early days of Laen's DorkbotPDX group PCB order, before the boards were purple and it became OSH Park.
  • ED Toy

  • ED (Electronic Discovery) is specifically designed to engage a family with a friendly faced gadget which is easy to assemble, write code for and encourages them to interact. Ideally this makes electronics a family hobby rather than something Dad does...
  • BareDuino Nano

  • Since I’m on a student budget, I couldn’t afford to leave an actual Arduino into my projects, so I designed, etched and assembled the BareDuino classic. I can quickly throw one into a project without having to worry about using an expensive regular Arduino.Using...
  • Wearable computer

  • This project has several components, each of which might potentially be its own project:1) The modded monocular head-mounted display/goggles2) The haptic glove interface3) The dehumidification mechanism for the goggles4) The software stack for implicit...
  • ATtiny85 Kettle Thermostat

  • Originally started with a digispark, right now using a bare ATtiny85 - MIGHT need to switch to ATtiny84 for more pins... I just have to go get one!Currently using an I2C 16x2 display which is overkill and too big, going to switch to 7 segment LED x 2...
  • Light Staff

  • This was a project a few months in the making. I originally started it while I was still at SpaceX but really got to focus on it right before burning man 2013. I really wanted an 8 ft long carbon fiber staff with a ton of full bright white capable RGB...