
73 Results for "feather"

  • Torana Solar Power FeatherWing

  • The Challenge/Problem When experimenting with low power, mesh networked IoT nodes outdoors there a bunch of power features that would make it easier to quickly prototype and deploy these nodes. Solar power input.  18650 battery. Zero drain battery...
  • Feather R3 Adapter

  • This is a project for the Adafruit Feather series of boards.  This dual purpose FeatherWing Arduino R3 adapter allows you to plug in your feather board and have the I/Os broken out to the Arduino R3 layout for use with other shields that are not...
  • Trimline Rotary Cell Phone

  • I began the project using an Adafruit FONA 3G board (#2687) and an Uno, following Adafruit's tutorial to learn about the FONA 3G and AT commands.  Then replaced the Uno with an Adafruit Feather (#2771) for its smaller size and the ability to power...
  • u-blox ZED-F9P GPS Featherwing

  • This project creates a GPS shield for a Feather board, or more commonly known as a Featherwing. It uses the high-precision ZED-F9P GPS module from u-blox.The desired Feather board is placed onto the GPS Featherwing and the desired connections are...
  • Gesture FeatherWing

  • The MGC3030 is an integrated capacitive gesture sensor that could be used in a lot of projects, but unfortunately it has pretty strict requirements for how the capacitive surface needs to look like. This is an attempt at providing a ready solution, the...
  • Stylish desktop ESP8266 weather station

  • The device is based on Adafruit's Feather Huzzah esp8266 and the 2.4" TFT Feather Wing. The enclosure is desigen using Fusion360 and cut out of birchwood using a 140W laser.  This whole project is based on adafruit's guide which you can find here,...
  • Feather ULN2003 Stepper Wing

  • This Feather Wing was designed solely with through-hole components, which are easier to put together by hand for small runs.  In the future I may make a version with SMD components as well for professional manufacture.  I made this to control...
  • A²B Feather Wing

  • What is A²B? From ADI product website: A2B is a high bandwidth, bidirectional, digital audio bus. A2B is capable of transporting I2S/TDM/PDM data and I2C control information, along with clock and power, using a single, 2-wire UTP cable over distances...
  • FeatherCAN

  • Board Details MCP2515 SPI CAN Controller: Provides the missing CAN peripheral for the Feather SAMD21. Compatible with the MCP2515 Arduino Library initialising with CS #6 and INT #5. The track to #5 can be cut if the user does not require interrupts and...
  • PoE-FeatherWing

  • I think it was originally in September of 2018 that @Prof. Fartsparkle suggested to me right here on to make a project like this as a "successor" to the #wESP32.  Since at the time the wESP32 wasn't even released yet, that seemed...
  • GateWing Port Board

  • This is a fairly simple project: connect the application-specific I/O pins on the Feather to connectors that can make use of those applications. These consist of: An SPI connector similar to those on full-sized ArduinosA Qwiic connector for  the...
  • Sensor Playground

  • Note: With the breadboard design, I found that the CO2 concentration in my house was too high at various points throughout the day.  VOC's tended to peak here and there, but not into what I'd generally be concerned about.  When I added...
  • HelpMe! Trigger using EMG

  • Introduction How can people alert their friends that they have been attacked, or are in danger, without alerting the attacker? We need a way to discreetly communicate with a smartphone or other communications device! The communications device can then...