
654 Results for "%EC%9E%A1%ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0%EB%94%94%EB%B9%84 %ED%85%94%EA%B7%B8%EB%9E%A8 DBmong %ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0abc %E1%92%A4 %EC%9E%A1%ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0%EC%82%AC%ED%96%89%EC%82%B0%EC%97%85 %ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0db%EC%B5%9C%EC%A0%80%EA%B0%80 %E1%92%A3 %EC%8B%A0%EC%9A%A9%EB%94%94%EB%B9%84%ED%8C%90%EB%A7%A4"

  • netBOOT v2

  • Connections:netBoot with a case:Version 1:Version 2:Scheme:Source code:#include #include #include #include byte mac[] = {0x00, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDE, 0x02}; EthernetClient client; #define MAX_IPs 5 IPAddress pingAddrs[MAX_IPs]; int CNT = 0; int ERRORS_COUNT...
  • ScrapTrack

  • If you look closely in the picture, there is a LOT more on this robot than is coded yet. I've included a PIR sensor, a microphone, and what's not seen is the little Radioshack IR reflection detector. The plan, once I learn how to use that last sensor,...
  • RGB color interpreter

  • Here's the Arduino code!  // LED color interpreter // Made by Thomas Burns // // last revised: 04/12/2020 #include #include #include int red, green, blue = 0; // I2C pins declaration LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 2, 1, 0, 4, 5,...
  • 1 Square Inch TTL CPU

  • This project is very much a race against the clock. The idea for this project occurred to me after the first week of september, leaving three weeks before the end of the Square Inch Contest. Since it involves processor architecture, hardware and pcb...
  • Robot grający na ksylofonie

  • 1. Cel: Celem pracy jest wykonanie projektu urządzenia mechatronicznego lub   kluczowego elementu urządzenia mechatronicznego, zbudowanego na bazie podzespołów LEGO oraz przeprowadzenie procesu projektowego zgodnego z rzeczywiście używanym...
  • Bike signaling

  • Introduction I was suggested to create a project that allows people on bikes use leds to signalling their moves. This idea came to my attention as my dad is also a biker and I thought this could be useful. I recently tested wireless inductive coils for...
  • A Traveler Has Arrived

  • Make contact. Unscrambled circles will get you _ _ _ _ _ _ Across: 3: this is what project #164913 is all about 5: dressed in stripes of BBROYGBVGW 8: I go clack and have an electromagnet 11: the brain of the circuit 13: one of the...
  • LiFePO4wered/ESP32

  • The design as implemented from the original idea has the following features: Processing system ESP32-WROVER-I module with 4 MB Flash, 8MB PSRAM and external U.FL antenna connectionMicro SD card slot for data storageSeparate NXP MKL17Z32VFM4 ARM Cortex-M0+...
  • SolidCore CoreXY 3D Printer

  • SolidCore CoreXY CAD Design In Fusion 360 All Metal Parts Our long term goal is to is to build a modular platform, not just a printer. Think of it as an ecosystem of parts that can be arranged in different configurations and adapted for unique applications....
  • Hear Hear

  • The percentage of humans age ≥ 65 in the US is going up; and many seniors havemoderate to severe hearing loss.The original aim of this project was to design and build a system whereby audio from a television could be replicated in a pair of headphones...
  • PiXel camera

  • Current version is seems working device, designed to be as simple as possible. It's build using common components, such as powerbank and 32x32 rgb led matrix. Some parts of enclosure are 3d-printed and front panel is CNC'ed acrylic glass.Actual recording...