
6178 Results for "8-bit cpu"

  • PourFection

  • Project Goals PourFection is a project developed by Lance Go and Sean Morton for their electrical engineering capstone project at Northwestern University, ELEC_ENG 327: Electronic System Design II. The goal of the project was to design a smart coffee...
  • Tiny Motion Detection Alarm

  • intro Hi, in this project we are going to make a motion detection alarm with IMU 6050, it is a 3-Axis Accelerometer and Gyro Sensor module. By using this, if small movement is detected by the IMU , it will trigger a sound in the buzzer . Basically it...
  • "Complexity" of a time series

  • Techniques ReviewWe are going to consider only time series analysis in this section. There are reviews of "complexity measures" (Feldman and Crutchfield 1998, Daw, 2002). Kuusela, (2002) compare the results of ten different complexity measures...
  • plotly + Arduino + ESP8266

  • For this project I'm using an Arduino Uno with a ESP8266. I'm reading an ADC pin/pin's voltage on the Uno and wirelessly sending the data to plotly's server for real-time visualization. Plotly is a free online browser based tool for visualizing data,...