
170 Results for "%E2%86%98 %EC%B5%9C%EC%A0%80%EA%B0%80 %C3%921%C3%92%E3%80%88%E2%91%BB%E2%91%B789%E3%80%8983%C3%92%E2%91%A5 %E2%86%97 %EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%93%B0%EB%A6%AC%EC%95%84%EC%9B%8C%E3%8E%B0 %EC%93%B0%EB%A6%AC%EC%95%84%EC%9B%8Cfearful%EC%93%B0%EB%A6%AC%EC%95%84%EC%9B%8C%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%EC%93%B0%EB%A6%AC%EC%95%84%EC%9B%8C%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EC%88%A0%EC%A7%91%EC%A0%95%EB%B3%B4constructed %EC%93%B0%EB%A6%AC%EC%95%84%EC%9B%8C%EA%B0%80%EA%B2%A9%E3%83%9A%E3%82%B4%EC%93%B0%EB%A6%AC%EC%95%84%EC%9B%8Cwealthy"

  • Automatic checkers

  • Time for technical details:1) Board recognition.We have used the camera (in android phone with IP Webcam app) to grab the photo of board and send it to the host computer. Next, the image is cropped translated to board square - then it is divided into...
  • TPS63070 DaughterBoard

  • The selection of the feedback resistors is critical. The standard output voltage is supposed to be 3.3V. For the appropriate resistor values i just checked the datasheet which had a table with values. Since the I want to be able to select the output...
  • PDP-8 FPGA

  • Demo Video Base card is a Land Boards RETRO-EP4CE15 card. FPGA card is a QMTECH Cyclone IV EP4CE15 card. Design is based on Tom Almy's book The PDP-8 Class Project: Resoling An Old Machine. Features Set Altera EP4CE15 FPGA cardAlso, Altera...
  • Litar: LiDAR Air Guitar

  • Jam on air for real! Rockin' on with the Litar.Original photograph by Frank Schwichtenberg. Remixed under CreativeCommons*. Building on from last year's Hackaday prize entry the MappyDot, the Litar makes use of the VL53L1x LiDAR sensors from ST Micro...
  • PolaPi

  • <span class="redactor-invisible-space"></span><span class="redactor-invisible-space"></span><span...
  • Helium Liquefier

  • Project Goals: Ultimately, the target goals for this project are to be as follows: Keep cost under $5000. Bonus points if the liquefier can be built for less then $2000. This price range allows for local Makerspaces to crowdfund the liquefier. Not only...
  • SecSavr Sublime [gd0036]

  • Media Music I mentally associate with this project Ashton Edminster - Something Different: Mainly the "Something different, don't know what to call it" line because this printer isn't a conventional FFF printer and this project was just called "SecSavr"...
  • GPS Driven Clock

  • This project re-uses a few boards from previous projects and adds a couple of new ones. Some software ties everything together. Existing boards:    LED Matrix Driver boards. On the front side of the chassis.    SmallPi SAMD21J18 controller...