
1114 Results for "smart car"

  • Smart Antenna Tracker

  • The Smart Antenna Tracker will determine its location and attitude using a GPS, accelerometer, gyro, and a magnetometer. The Smart Antenna Tracker will then determine the 3D location of your copter/plane/rover by sniffing the MAVLink data from the TTL...
  • stm32f407 wifi project

  • this project provide smart wifi network for building automation.a stm32f407 controller provide remote function, as gate control,smart junction lightingcontrl,reading sensor status.a linux server provide to collect site status info and remote control...
  • Make Your Own Smart Light Strip

  • In this guide, I shall outline the steps to be followed to get yourselves a smart LED strip on a budget. This strip can be controlled using both the Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa either by voice via the respective party's smart speakers or from the...
  • The invisible mask

  • The first thing we notice is that we can use the device not only as a Don't-touch-your-face-reminder. If we add a Bluetooth module, we can connect it to our smart phone and use it in addition for gesture recognition, so it becomes a smart cap. Device...
  • Project Shumway

  • Our solar charger acts as a nano smart grid, which automatically stores excess energy while powering the system and releases stored energy when solar energy is low.
  • CRIP - Watch

  • Find everything you need to program your own Smart Watch in GitHub repository
  • The Smart Garden

  • The Smart Garden is being built to serve as a platform for future robotic farming systems. I believe that there is fundamental shortcoming in the Urban Farming movement, which is getting individuals to once again grow their own food. My idea with The...

  • Introduction A WiFi smart button is a simple yet versatile device that leverages the capabilities of the ESP8266 (or similar modules) to connect to a WiFi network and communicate over MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) to perform specific actions....
  • SmartDose

  • **Click here for dispensing action** Inspiration We were inspired to make a smart pill dispenser due to having relatives that could really use to be reminded to take their medication and monitored accordingly. This led to discussions on how pill boxes...
  • Center Flee

  • The Smart Poi: uses the accelerometer in many ways. One way is to translate the sensor data into RGB LED values, printing the colors into corresponding points in the rotational arc. Wirelessly the accelerometer data is transmitted to a computer using...