
1018 Results for "esp8266"

  • M10CUBE

  • M10CUBE  (M10 in short) road map This is a teamwork project! It is up to the contributors choice to show their name in public Soon... A PLC software using all M10CUBE I/Os : First PLC software will be  CODESYS (Raspberry Pi runtime is free...
  • ESP32 Video Input

  • Introduction As part of a larger college group project, I had to program an ESP32 to be a control center for an autonomous rover. The ESP32 was meant to take input from an FPGA that processed images from a mounted camera, make movement decisions and...
  • Arduino Clone version 2 board

  • Last week I updated my first version of clone board, And now I am here with a newer and better version. This one performs as original and have more headers to use Male to Female, Male to Male jumpers. So that we can connect sensors directly. This board...
  • Mario Bros. Clock

  • Story The concept In 2020, right after I created my first project, Pixie. I was thinking about what could be the next project, I saw that some makers were using a LED matrix to make several projects and thought that maybe I could...
  • TrillSat

  • Introduction Polo and the Pony Express: The T Acronyms Primary Purpose Restoring Communication When Our Infrastructure is Down Secondary Purposes The Ancient Library A Clarkeian Satellite/Spacecraft Analog The Trill Tethered Rocking Orbiting Tracker...