
1114 Results for "smart car"

  • KNXduino

  • Make DIY components for standard-based wired home automation / smart home.  KNX/EIB = the only world-wide wired building automation bus standard. You can easily mix DIY (KNXduino) components and profesional KNX bus components produced by ABB, Busch-Jaeger,...

  • A home automation system typically connects controlled devices to a central smart home hub. The user interface for control of the system uses a mobile phone application. Bluetooth Controlled Electronic Home Appliances is a simple project, where we can...
  • Deluxe smart curtain

  • This projects allows you:   - to build a 20 x 60 (or bigger if you want) smart curtain able to display images    - to use a mobile phone to select pictures, animation or speed
  • Sly Bug

  • This is my first foray into the world of smart servos. The plan is to build a robot similar to #Fluffbug, but use robot servos in place of the rc servos. Since those servos offer telemetry, this opens a lot of possibilities for programming interesting...
  • ShakeIt

  • Operation:First each kid is handed a smart ball, with a predefined color (Red, Green, Blue) when the ball is shaken (Accelerometer) the light inside the ball becomes stronger (RGB LED`s). The Light fixture is used as a mixer, it communicates with the...
  • Inside Smart Meters Hack Chat

  • Hash will host the Hack Chat on Wednesday, April 14 at noon Pacific. Time zones got you down? Try our handy time zone converter. That electrical meter on the side of your house might not look like it, but it's pretty packed with technology. What was...
  • retrofit waterstop

  • For safety reasons, I wanted to be able to switch the water supply of my home on and off. But I live in a rented place where it is not allowed to modify the main water supply pipes and valves. Thus I tried to build a retrofit ball valve driver with some...
  • Gesture Controlled Smartwatch

  • The overall idea is to use gestures of the hand to control the playback of music. A new way to input into a device as oppose to fingers and thumbs which so many smart devices these days rely on. To do this, multiple FSR sensors will be connected and...

  • In a growing African continent where schools, by their growing numbers need a high degree of control and also statistics on the attendance of students or students within their school. Security and control is a major issue not only because they must be...