
129 Results for "amateur radio"

  • HB6809 Homebrew computer

  • I wanted a low cost kit like computer based around the 6809, with a very simple expansion bus. Design goals: Cost - try to keep board footprints small (this was hard, further minimization with surface mount parts would be the way to go even lower)Minimal...

  • ## What is it?Project RE-birth 2nd is the spiritual continuation of [Project RE-birth](    In 2021, for unknown reasons, the Japanese closed the website, deleted all public...

  • Hello everybody. My name is Alexander Sokolov, and I am an expert in quantum cryptography. I want to tell you how to make a DNA sequencer, a device for decoding deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), at home. The market price for such a device is about $50,000...