
204 Results for "soil%2Bsensor"

  • Soil Moisture Sensor

  • Working of Soil Moisture Sensor The soil moisture sensor consists of two probes that measures the volume of water in the soil. The two probes allow the electric current to pass through the soil and, according to its resistance, measures the moisture...
  • Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor

  • In order to reduce agricultural water cost, soil moisture should be measured by affordable low-cost sensors. As well as gypsum soil moisture sensors in Vinduino project, this project tries to build soil moisture sensors. There is research demonstrates...
  • The Personal Garden Project

  • This project uses rapidtest soil testers to change the color of the soil and an RGB color sensor to detect concentrations. Vials are centrifuged by a DC Motor controlled by an arduino. The only manual component is inserting the vials into the holder....
  • Smart Grow Room

  • At the moment I have working- 2x DHT22 sensors - Internal circulation fan output- External Fan output- 600w light- 2x soil sensors - Working, Can be set from front panel.- 2 x water pump outputs (controlled by soil sensors). Pumps will start watering...
  • Edison - The Gardener

  • There are two common types of growing solutions that are common these days.a. One is the standard growing in the soil gardening where we use soil mixed with organic fertiliser to grow plants. Plants are planted in the soil and we only need to add water...
  • Stopping Desertification

  • Desertificationsource: is a phenomenon that ranks among the greatest environmental challenges of our time. Yet most people haven't heard of it or don't understand it.Although...
  • PiZero Garden Monitor

  • I will be using the PiZero to monitor Soil moister, Soil temperature, Outside temperature/humidity/dew. This will allow me to learn more about my ambient area and my plants health. They will be displayed on a Micro OLED display with buttons to scroll...
  • Lora Soil Moisture Sensor

  • This Soil moisture sensor intends to be a lora node as in the greenhourse lora networks.  It detect/report the soil status, and the temperature, to the lora gateway, which is accessable with WIFI, so the remote monitor can get all the points moisture...
  • Microbit Greenhouse Monitor

  • This project is intended as a useful educational tool, allowing schools to utilise the BBC Micro:bit to collect data from a greenhouse, and display it on a webpage. In order to facilitate network connection, data is sent from the Micro:bit to an ESP32...
  • Kitchenduino FEP / HUB

  • Future FEPs (Front End Processors) will add a secnd weather station on the north (warm) side of the homestead that will also monitor soil temperature and moisture, wnd speed and direction, and rainfall; and an FEP for the garden and aquaponics beds and...