
268 Results for "%E3%80%8A%20%EC%98%88%EC%95%BD%EB%AC%B8%EC%9D%98%20OIO%E2%89%A1%E2%91%A7%E2%91%A389%E2%89%A183O%E2%91%A5%E3%80%8B%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%E3%89%B9%E3%83%99grace%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%EF%BC%B3%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%D0%B5%20%D1%8F%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%EB%B9%84%EC%9A%A9superstition%20%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%E2%80%B2%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%C2%A7%EF%BC%98fetch"

  • Receiver

  • In this tutorial, M5Stick C will act as a transmitter, and it will receive the temperature reading from the transmitter. #include #include "BLEDevice.h" //BLE Server name #define bleServerName "M5" /* UUID's of the service, characteristic that we want...
  • Putting it all together

  • The ESP8266 libraries that we installed include specific libraries for Wi-Fi control, as well as HTTP client control. We will also be using the aforementioned OneWire and SimpleDHT libraries, as well as an SSL library so that our communication with the...
  • Getting the board

  • The board comes in two variants: standard and mini. The standard variant has 12 channels, and supports 3 RGB lights + 3 white lights. The mini variant only supports 1 RGB light + 1 white light. The KiCad project files can be found here for the standard...
  • TFT LCD Displays - Setup and Testing

  • For wiring the 3.5inch TFT LCD to Arduino UNO, please refer to the interface section in the WIKI. The resolution of these TFT LCD's is 480 x 320 (W x H). That is 480 pixels wide and 320 pixels tall if in landscape orientation or 320 pixels wide and 480...
  • Instructions:

  • Step 1: Gather Your Components Laser XY Scanner - BOM I usually like to source my parts from DigiKey, but the low-cost options on Amazon are hard to beat sometimes. This list is just one of many sources for each component in the BOM. There are of...
  • WiFi World Clock

  • X-8266 x1X-OLED x118650 battery shield V2 x1Simple 3D printed case X1You can have a look at the pin map.SDA is connected to D1.SCL is connected to D2.This two pins work as the IIC pins.The other pins can be connected to other sensors.The X-8266 can really...
  • AndysAquaponics

  • Use node read.Import:[{"id":"3b4f4164.ff2986","type":"http in","z":"ecdc725b.4275e","name":"Get temp","url":"/temp","method":"get","swaggerDoc":"","x":104.5,"y":175.33331298828125,"wires":[["809da49f.ba0078"]]},{"id":"809da49f.ba0078","type":"rpi-ds18b20","z":"ecdc725b.4275e","topic":"","array":false,"name":"","x":326.5,"y":174.33331298828125,"wires":[["92362f3f.c5cff","93c6a90f.82fd38"]]},{"id":"92362f3f.c5cff","type":"http...
  • Part 1 - The PCB

  • What’s up my friends, welcome back. This below is the PCB that I’ve designed for my project. I’ve tried to make it as small as I could so it could fit inside of a basic wall electric box. This project works at 220V so make sure you stay safe and...