
2453 Results for "8-bit cpu"

  • 8

  • Place the 2nd stage housing onto the 1st stage, this may take some effort as the oval drive carrier will need to push the 2nd stage flex spline outwards and mesh with the housing gears.
  • Step 8

  • Connect ESP8266EX to relay module. Connect 5V and GND from USB module to relay. Wait about 10-15 seconds and try to switch relay from Home Assistant.If it wont work from first, try to unplug and plug USB module from PC.Or you can also press RST button...
  • Step 8

  • Upload the Code Open the Arduino Coe.Connect the ESP32 S3 module to your computer using a USB cable from the USB port of the microcontroller.Select the COM port by going to Tools > Port, and selecting the port where the ESP32 S3 is connected.Connect...
  • 8) Connections

  • An internal cable must be assembled that inserts into the USB connector of the Projector, and connects to one of the female Usb-A ports on the side of the VVD. Another internal cable must be assembled that inserts into the USB connector of the TMCM1141,...
  • Step 8: Drill Holes

  • I used an electric drill to drill holes for the components. You can also use a manual PCB drill to do so. I also used a larger sized drill bit to drill holes for the mounting standoffs.
  • Tidying up a bit

  • Now that we have all of the hardware configured and tested, let's tidy up the setup a bit. I used velcro tape and velcro ties to attach the battery pack to the back of the skeleton, so it is easy to plug in the SBC and PCA9685 as well as to remove...
  • Assembly Step 8

  • To prevent the front wheels from falling off, use the short zip ties to tighten the wheels onto the motors. If you find that the wheels still fall off, remove the wheels, place hot glue into  the hole and reattach them.
  • Airframe - Step 8

  • Test-fit each Motor Mount (Tilt Mount/Pod) with its respective completed nacelle. Sand or trim as needed such that the Motor Mount is able to tilt fully flush forward, and able to tilt up past 90 degrees of rotation. Nacelle Pocket Finishing
  • 8. Field testing

  • Unfortunately, we have not been able to complete this testing in time for close of Hackaday Prize! But I'm sure once housing is completed, we can go ahead and do it! Some of the WWF researchers have offered to field test the prototypes, so I'm going...