
495 Results for ""

  • DIY electrically heated sauna

  • Some stoves come with temperature control, but mine didn't. There are dedicated sauna control panels with a timer and temperature control, but they cost upwards of £95. It should be possible to cobble one up myself for less.So I bought this from...
  • Setup Hardware

  • Wire the hardware according to: The relay shown in the diagram is one of four relays on the relay hat.  I've broken it out in the diagram from the Raspberry Pi but it really sits on top of the Raspberry Pi so it's already wired to GPIO pin 37. ...
  • POPgirl Enclosure Build

  • I made a status indicator that notifies me of my body's relative state of arousal! To help me visualize what's going on with the myriad of wearables I have set out to don at once, I've created an arm-mounted screen display that will tell me what I need...
  • Barnabas-Bot

  • 1: Getting Started with ProgrammingOverviewRobots, just like us, need to know what to do! We have put our robot's body as well as heart system together. We even connected our brain. We need to program our robot, but before we do that, we need to connect...
  • Upload the Arduino code

  • Now time to upload the code to your Arduino board. Copy the code from below. Before uploading the code make sure to select the proper com port and baud rate as we will be using it for sending data to the game. const int trigPin=11; //DECLARE TRIG PIN...
  • Building The Electric Panel

  • So if you want to build this project for an industrial application, you should build an electrical panel for it.  I won't go for a step-by-step tutorial on how to build that, because that's a whole book to read. but anyway let's do it, if your an...
  • Flashing

  • All the necessary documentation and tools for flashing the firmware on ESP8266 chips are available online, and much of it resides at the Espressif website. As I found it difficult for a newbie to get along on their website you can download the necessary...
  • Software Setup

  • Intro: The most important part to get any electronics project you download from the internet up and running is the software tool chain. If you don't manage to get this set up it causes hours of frustration long before you get to the interesting part. ...
  • CortanaRoom home automation

  • Step 4: Make the hardwareShow All ItemsNow we have the software part done we need to go to the hardware part.For the hardware we need 1 arduino uno or nano a lot of long wires! 3 mosfets i use the IRFZ44N 4 5V ( 12V is possible with extra circuitry)...