
803 Results for "raspberry"

  • Raspberry Pi

  • A Raspberry Pi is an inexpensive single board computer that will allow you to connect to a temperature sensor and stream the data to a data visualization software. Raspberry Pi’s started out as a learning tool and have evolved to an industrial workplace...
  • Download Raspberry Pi OS

  • I downloaded the 64-bit Bullseye version of the RPi OS.  I could not get all the software components (ESPECIALLY the Pi-Apps store installation of Wine) to work with Bookworm.  Download link:
  • Testing relays with raspberry

  • There are some python scripts that you can download from github. They are very simple and used to turn on and off relays. Connect everything and ensure that the raspberry pi can turn on and off the lights and amplifier on command.
  • What is Raspberry Pi?

  • The Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It is a little device that enables people of all ages to explore computing and to learn how to program in languages such as Python and Scratch. It was created with...
  • Installing the Raspberry Pi

  • Cut the Raspberry Pi mounting bracket to fit snuggly above the switch. Screw the Pi to the bracket with four screws & nuts. Add some sticky foam to the underside of the bracket (optional). Mark out where the holes in the mount line up inside the BBU...
  • Mount Raspberry Pi

  • I wanted to mount the Pi in a fashion that would allow for easy removal. I had an old Raspberry Pi A+ case lying around and with a little modification I made it fit the 3b I'm using for this project. How you attach the Pi isn't important to the project....
  • Connect the raspberry pi

  • Connect the raspberry pi to your home router with an ethernet cable.  Set a static ip address on the PI. At the prompt: sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf Add the following lines for at the bottom of the file: interface eth0 static ip_address=
  • Aligning the Raspberry pi

  • Align and solder the Raspberry Pi to the PiPod board with the 3D printed spacers. These make sure that the RPi is spaced 4mm from the PiPod board to fit the case. 1. Get all the parts 4x m2 screws1x RPi spacers1x RPi zero1x PiPod board 2. Put a screw...
  • Ramdisk for raspberry pi

  • So, you want to take a bunch of photos, but don't want to burn the SD card on the raspberry pi?  Place the files on a ramdisk. Make the ramdisk sudo mkdir /mnt/ramdisk Edit the rc.local file sudo nano /etc/rc.local Add the lines above exit 0 mount...
  • Prepare Raspberry Pi

  • There is a lot of software setup that needs to be done on the Raspberry Pi.  Most of it can be done after the unit's assembly, but you at least need to flash an SD card with the Pi OS, set it up for remote access, and place the SD card in the Pi...
  • Provisioning the Raspberry Pi

  • Next, you're going to get the SD card ready for booting the operating system on the Raspberry Pi. This begins with copying the official raspbian lite image to the SD card. This is a process that can be done in many ways, and it slightly differs depending...
  • Running the Raspberry SPy

  • All that is required is typing sudo python .py ! You should see the camera light up, and by going to the web address of the pi with the port 8080 the stream should be visible. Now you can use the controller anywhere in the house and have a live feed...