
19424 Results for "《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉강남초원의집㉩⅓everythingァ강남유흥강남룸㏁evidently 강남초원의집강남더킹 강남더킹‡강남룸Ⅹfaintly㈆"

  • Transfer Your .php Pages

  • Your customized version of Lean-C IOT MES is ready to be deployed on your server! Use your preferred FTP transfer software to upload your files online. Log in to the interface using the 'Admin'/'Admin' account. Create your users and don't forget to delete...
  • Connecting the Screen

  • Now solder the screen to the Raspberry Pi as show here and solder two wires for usb like here:And fold the Pi over so it sits like this:
  • Connect the I2S Amp

  • Now Connect the I2S Amp VCC to 5V PIN(2/4) GND to any GroundBCK to Pin 12 LRCK to Pin 35DIN to Pin 40
  • Buttons

  • Place the Buttons, Dpad, Shoulder button, etc in their places and add the rubber domes, lastly screw in the Button PCBs in and glue two tactile buttons bellow the triggers in their respective place:Lastly solder them to the PI not forgeting to not solder...
  • Last connections

  • Lastly connect the Caharger Module to the battery the usb charging port and through the power switch to the Pi
  • PCB Design

  • The PCB design is really just a motherboard to link the various breakout boards I used to the ESP-32 wroom dev board I used.  The PCB is powered by by the electrical hook-up and comes on everytime the hook-up is connected and powered up. For this...
  • Software

  • As I mentioned in the project description, the point of this project was because I wanted the finished device to use. I wasn't planning to to anything technically ambitious so I just put some code together using the Arduino IDE and shamelessly took advantage...
  • Cell Phone App

  • I built a cell phone app to complement this project as I feel that we are entering an age when everyone expects their electronics to seamlessly connect to their phone. A cell phone app offers convenient access to real-time electricity data...
  • Construct the inside of the box

  • Create a ground with spaces/holes specifically adapted to each component with a 3D modeling tool so that the components don't move when shaking the ball3D print itPlace it inside of the box, make sure to attach it so it doesn't move
  • How to install the bash prompt

  • Check for Existing .bash_prompt:First, you need to check if there's already a .bash_prompt file in your home directory. Execute the following command: ls ~ -a | grep .bash_prompt Rename Existing '.bash_prompt': If you find an existing .bash_prompt and...
  • Preparation

  • Prepare all necessary components and tools. There are numerous ways to assemble this project, and the required components vary depending on your approach. For example, you can directly connect the pump to the controller using a pair of crimped wires,...
  • Making a PCB

  • This is the V1 of the controller, having two outputs. Later I decided to leave only one. While you could opt for point-to-point connections, utilizing a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) offers a more reliable method for assembling the electronics. For those...