
84 Results for "soil+sensor"

  • The Dune Pain Box

  • Now that the PSU is done, Arguably the most difficult part, the rest is pretty easy.  There are two major components that need to be built now:  The control circuit for the HV psu, and the Hand sensor.These are the last two critical custom...
  • Pallette

  • RibbonWhat you will need Soldering Iron Soldering Iron Tip RoHS Compliant Solder Desoldering Wick Wire Stripper Wire Cutter Tweezers Ribbon Cable 0.05" Pitch Multimeter Energizer...
  • 3. Elephant Detection Devices

  • Let's get started with how to build these! Elephant Detection Devices: software overview Now, as I mentioned, there are two detection devices: the...
  • Wire Up

  • Connect the units together as per the wiring in the description, I used Dupont connectors for ease of maintenance, take care with the wiring for the sensor.  This design does not use any sort of slip-ring, you need to leave a big enough loop...
  • MicroPython Code

  • Use Thonny for this code. from machine import Pin, ADC, Timer import utime import machine, neopixel lighton = 1000 #time in miliseconds that LEDs are on after touching the sensor #colors (values 0-255) red = 10 blue = 0 green = 20 led = 18 # GPIO18 sensor_ADC0...
  • Test the System!

  • Disconnect the USB cable, then get a 12V power supply and connect it to Arduino.If you like it and the day is bad and full of thunderstorms or lightenings, the test will be quick, but if this is not the case you will have to use a piezo gas lighter (without...
  • Building the AUV - External

  • With the communication system working, one of the final major tasks left was constructing the AUV. Our initial designs for the AUV were pretty simplistic, as we did not realize the enormity of the many mechanical challenges involved in getting a vehicle...
  • Schematic

  • Now we need to draft out a schematic for our pocket weather station. The schematic for this project is very simple as there are very few modules and have to be just connected together without the need for any external modifiers. I have attached the schematic...