
8 Results for "3D printing"

  • RigTig's Big 3D Printer

  • Lots to say here, but not done yet. Very briefly: + 3D print plastic pieces+ load program to WiFi boards (EPS8266) for steppers + fit BYJ28 stepper motors and wire up the ULN2003 driver boards + WiFi + attach 3 motor blocks to walls (or other high supports)+...
  • Assembling the electronic components

  • 1. Assemble the arduino board and RAMPS boards by placing arduino on top of it (ensure that the placement is proper). Now put the drivers for the axes respectively and connect with the SMPS for power supply. Connect the stepper motor with the arduino....
  • 3D Print a Sound Wave

  • You hear something profound and want to capture it, hold it, and display it. Experience it with your hands and eyes and not simply your ears. I was recently driving and contemplating this exact thought (as one normally does). And I thought, “well...
  • Bill of Materials Info

  • If the links aren't working, please let me know and I can help you find the correct part. Parts needed that I did not purchase because I already had them on hand: 3D Printed Case: style buttons:
  • Unpacking

  • Welcome, everyone! This is an instruction on how to use uECG kits that we sell, but it’s also useful if you want to make your own uECG. Or maybe you were just browsing Hackaday and accidentally found our projects. In any case, thank you for being interested...
  • Lithium Battery Pack build

  • Before starting a pack build yourself I would highly recommend you finish all of your ongoing projects that you can, because this will take a huge percentage of your focus. First a finished pack photo because I know many of you won't read to the end:...
  • Building the Trash Printer

  • The Trash Printer has two primary parts - the flake extruding print head, and the gantry that moves it around.  The Extruder The flake extruding print head is fairly easy to build, and costs roughly $150 in parts. You can find the full parts list...