
82 Results for "kicad"

  • SunLeaf

  • Get the's all freeThe hardware was developed in KiCAD so you'll need to download that from here: You'll need a Linux OS for the ESP compiler. I liked Ubuntu until they sold out: There are a...
  • Generating .gerber files

  • To generate production files you need to export a .zip folder with all nessesary files. To do that (with KiCad) please follow the tutorial from JLCPCB. You can also use dedicated KiCad manufacturing plugin. After going to JLCPCB press Instant...
  • Github

  • All project data is kept on the github server. The PCB is designed in Kicad 7. The kicad project directory is in pcb/x65-sbc-revB1 (please check if there is a newer version in the meantime).  Direct link to schematic in PDF.
  • Get a board

  • Order the PCB from the KiCad project from your board house of choice.  The board must be 0.8mm thick.  Standard 1.6mm is too thick to fit the microUSB A plugs.  I was able to get 5 boards from Elecrow for under $10USD shipped in a little...
  • Buy PCBs and components

  • The hardware files are open sourced. I used OSH Park to manufacture my PCBs. I have some extra displays and parts. Reach out to me if you want to build your own!
  • Tunnel-God-Detector

  • Our very first sketch to wire the sensor board on the backside. Sorry for the drawing but we did this under 2 days of hackathon stress and lack of sleep. But if we can do it, you can do it, too! :)When we are done testing it, we will update the sketch...
  • Getting the board

  • The board comes in two variants: standard and mini. The standard variant has 12 channels, and supports 3 RGB lights + 3 white lights. The mini variant only supports 1 RGB light + 1 white light. The KiCad project files can be found here for the standard...
  • Hardware assembly

  • The Github repository includes the KiCAD design files, which you can use to order the PCB and bill of materials. All of the components are surface-mount except for the CR2032 battery holder. Take care when mounting the microphone, as it can be damaged...
  • Drilling Part II

  • This will depend on the software you use. This is the workflow for KiCAD 5: On KiCad, create an auxiliary axis and set it anywhere you desire. Keep in mind this will be the same (0,0) (X,Y) point where you positioned the actual drill. Go to Plot, Generate...
  • Ordering the PCB

  • To get the PCB manufactured, you have to upload the Gerber files in a .zip, or .rar file. If you don’t know how to generate proper gerber files in KiCad 5? JLCPCB provided a proper tutorial:
  • Design the printed circuit board

  • Using ebastler's marbastlib for KiCad I selected footprints for typical solder switches and then arranged all of the components in the PCB view of KiCad. You can continue following the steps in  Noah Kiser's Creating a Keyboard PCB with Diodes...