
323 Results for "IoT"

  • Setting Up the PCB

  • After populating our custom PCB with the required components, we can move on to the next step that is programming and configuring the PCB to work. For programming our PCB we need a USB to FTDI Converter. Now we need to follow the steps given below to...
  • Interfacing With Blynk App

  • Blynk is the most popular Internet of Things platform for connecting any hardware to the cloud, designing apps to control them, and managing your deployed products at scale. With Blynk Library you can connect over 400 hardware models including ESP8266,...
  • Node-RED & MQTT

  • You can program all the scenario inside the Core Module, but thanks to wireless transmission and cheap computers like Raspberry Pi you can have IoT pumpkin and even change behavior over internet.Download BigClown Playground for your computer or use Raspberry...
  • The code

  • I will try to comment the code used for the sensor-box, this is the latest version consider that there's 6 version. The weirdest problem i've encountered is the heap fragmentation, as a self learning guy, I've wildly used Strings (especially in a past...