
81 Results for "TTL computer"

  • Get started

  • To get started, get some M590 modules. I remcommend getting several modules becuase sometimes a used module is less than perfect and may have poor signal quality or some other problem.    Build up the M590 PCB and connect to it a USB TTL...
  • Connect to Arduino

  • Plug the collated ground wires into an Arduino Ground pin, and the collated +5V wires into a +5V pin (if using a Due, use the +3.3V pin or you will damage the microcontroller) and plug the other jumper wires into the correct I/O pins: Toggle switches...
  • Components

  • Dynamixel AX-12A: The biggest problem on controlling hexapod is controlling its leg, and that is what makes choosing motors the hardest job for component part.  What I'm planning to do in the future for controlling this hexapod is using dynamic...
  • BOB PID Servo Controller

  • J2Pin Signal from BOB PCBPIC PIN1+5 Logic power (if needed)VCC2CTS (unused)RB43GroundGND4TX USB/HostRB7Serial Console: To talk to the controller via USB - TTL serial (Required to set the PID constants):[ ] Install J2 RLC header on the top side for USB...
  • PolaPi-Zero

  • Hardware Probably the most delicate time is the beginning is to connect the Sharp LCD screen. I have found on ebay some adapter board for the small 10 pin ribbon cable, but I finally solder it myself. This kind of adapter board with this king of connector...
  • Choosing IC 555

  • The 555 integrated circuit is an extremely versatile timer that can be used in many different applications. This IC has a monolithic timing circuit that is a highly stable controller capable of producing accurate time delays or oscillations. Additional...
  • First start-up

  • After inserting the ROM with the Scrumpel monitor you can power-up the board. But you need to connect  COM1 via FTDI or better a TTL-to-RS232 converter to a PC running a terminal program with hardware handshaking on. Otherwise the board will not...
  • ESP8266 Retro Browser

  • Getting Starting - Changes to the Seeed Tutorial After a 3 or 4 week wait, your ESP8266 Serial Wifi modules have finally arrived from China. Now what? For a first program, most people head for the short tutorial at seeedstudios
  • BOB PID Servo Controller

  • OperationTTL Serial 38400 N 8 2 X-ON/X-OFF: Connect a USB (or RS-232) to TTL serial converter to the J2 connector. e.g. FTDI Friend, RLC3 Again, pin 4 "TX" is data FROM the USB/Host going TO the PID controller. RX is TO USB/Host FROM PID controller....
  • ramanPi - Raman Spectrometer

  • Section: 5A complete Laser Emitter AssemblyComponents Required: Printed versions of the following 3D Printed Objects from the gitHub repository: (1x) electronic_mount_laser_bottom(1x) electronic_mount_laser_top(1x) 532nm 150mw Green...